Ask Ralph: Christian Finance
Aug. 25, 2024

How Can You Align Your Life with God's Will?

How Can You Align Your Life with God's Will?

How Do I Discern Gods Will For My Life?

Many people experience moments where they feel like God might be speaking to them but struggle to clearly hear His voice. This uncertainty can lead to questions about how to recognize and understand His guidance. Join Ralph Estep Jr. on the Ask Ralph Show as he addresses a listener's query about discerning God's will in life's major decisions. He shares his own journey of transitioning from a successful accounting practice to a financial ministry, emphasizing prayer, scripture study, and seeking wise counsel. Ralph also highlights the importance of recognizing open doors, trusting the peace in your heart, and being patient. As he interweaves biblical teachings and personal anecdotes, Ralph offers seven actionable steps to help listeners Align Your Life with God.

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Ralph introduces the topic of discerning God's will, addressing the uncertainty many feel when making life choices. He paints a picture of standing at a crossroads, unsure which path aligns with God's plan. Ralph promises to explore how to recognize God's voice and act on His guidance. This episode aims to provide spiritual insights for those seeking direction in life.

Listener's Query from Peter

Peter, a listener, shares his struggle with a major life decision involving a job change and relocation. He expresses uncertainty about discerning God's will versus his own desires. Ralph acknowledges Peter’s vulnerability and relates it to a common challenge faced by many.

Biblical Insight and Personal Story

Ralph grounds the discussion in Proverbs 3:5-6, emphasizing trust in God over personal understanding. He shares his own experience of feeling unfulfilled in his accounting career, despite its success. Ralph describes his journey of seeking God's guidance, emphasizing the importance of small, peaceful moments rather than dramatic signs.

Steps to Discern God's Will

Ralph provides actionable steps for discerning God's will: consistent prayer, studying scripture, seeking wise counsel, recognizing personal gifts, observing open doors, trusting peace, and practicing patience. He emphasizes that God's guidance often appears in subtle ways rather than dramatic revelations. Ralph encourages listeners to engage with these steps actively, fostering a deeper connection with their faith.

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Ralph reassures listeners that God desires to guide them and encourages trust in His timing and goodness. He leads a prayer, asking for divine guidance, clarity, and courage to follow God's path. Ralph wraps up by reminding listeners of the journey involved in discerning God’s will, emphasizing trust, patience, and openness.


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