Ask Ralph: Christian Finance
July 21, 2024

Is Biblical Tithing Still Relevant Today?

Is Biblical Tithing Still Relevant Today?

What Does Biblical Tithing Actually Mean and How Do I Develop a Giving Plan Based on Biblical Principles?

Have you ever wondered if you're giving enough to your church? Or maybe you're struggling to balance your finances while still honoring God with your money? You're not alone. This episode of the Ask Ralph Podcast addresses these common dilemmas. Is Biblical Tithing Still Relevant Today?

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Understanding Biblical Tithing:

The term "tithe" literally means "tenth" in Hebrew, and in the Old Testament, the Israelites were commanded to give a tenth of their produce to support the Levites. While some may argue that this is an Old Testament concept, the principle of generous giving is emphasized throughout the Bible, including the New Testament.

Practical Steps for Tithing:

  • Start Where You Are: Whether you can give 1% or 10%, the key is consistency.
  • Create a Giving Fund: Treat it like any essential expense.
  • Pray for a Generous Heart: Ask God to help you see your resources as tools for His kingdom.
  • Increase Gradually: Try increasing your giving percentage as your faith and finances grow.
  • Seek Accountability: Share your giving journey with a trusted friend or mentor.

Handling Financial Hardship

If you're facing financial difficulties, Ralph advises not to feel guilty about not reaching the 10% mark right away. Instead, he encourages starting with what you can afford and growing from there. He shares personal stories and experiences to illustrate how trusting God with your finances can lead to unexpected blessings and peace.

Growing in Generosity:

Ralph shares personal stories and biblical wisdom to encourage you to grow in your giving journey. He emphasizes that giving isn't about hitting a specific percentage but about cultivating a heart of generosity and trust in God's provision.


Ultimately, biblical tithing is about more than just a 10% rule. It's about recognizing that everything we have comes from God and returning a portion as an act of worship and gratitude. By starting where you are and growing in your giving, you can develop a giving plan that aligns with your faith and financial goals.