Ask Ralph: Christian Finance
Aug. 18, 2024

How to Love Bible Study Again and See God’s Word Anew?

How to Love Bible Study Again and See God’s Word Anew?

How Can I See The Holy Scriptures With Fresh Eyes?

A hefty car payment can quickly consume your budget, leaving you feeling like you're on a path to financial ruin. The pressure of a large monthly payment can strain your finances, making it harder to manage other expenses. Join Ralph Estep Jr. on the Ask Ralph Show as he addresses a heartfelt question from Betty in Oklahoma about reinvigorating her Bible study. Ralph shares practical advice on how to see the scriptures with fresh eyes, including praying for insight, using different Bible translations, and employing the SOAP method. He also connects these principles to financial habits, offering actionable steps to refresh one's  Love Bible Study Again and financial life.

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The episode opens with Ralph Estep Jr. addressing a common issue many Christians face: the feeling of spiritual stagnation in their Bible study. He empathizes with listeners who find themselves reading the same scriptures without feeling a connection. Ralph sets the stage for the episode by promising to explore methods for reigniting passion for the scriptures and seeing them with fresh eyes. He highlights the importance of a renewed perspective in spiritual life and offers insights into how to achieve this.

Responding to Betty’s Concern

Ralph shares a message from a listener, Betty, who expresses her struggle with maintaining a meaningful connection to the Bible. She describes how her study has become routine, and she yearns to rediscover the joy she once found in scripture. Ralph relates to Betty's experience, acknowledging that many Christians go through similar phases where their faith feels dry. He reassures her that it is normal and provides hope by suggesting various ways to refresh her approach to Bible study.

Practical Tips for Reinvigorating Bible Study

Ralph provides several practical methods to help reignite passion for Bible study. He suggests starting with prayer, asking God to reveal new insights, which he believes can transform the experience. Another tip is to switch to a different Bible translation, as reading familiar passages in a new language can offer fresh perspectives. He also recommends the SOAP method (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) to engage more deeply with the text, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the historical and cultural context to bring passages to life.

Engaging Imagination and Creativity

Ralph encourages listeners to use their imagination while reading the Bible, suggesting they visualize themselves within the stories. This approach, he argues, can make ancient texts feel more immediate and relevant. He also recommends journaling as a way to process thoughts and gain deeper insights. Writing reflections or recapping stories in one's own words can lead to unexpected revelations and a stronger emotional connection to the scripture.

Reading Entire Books for a Broader Perspective

Ralph advises reading entire books of the Bible in one sitting to understand the larger narrative and the author's argument more fully. He notes that this method helps prevent the common issue of getting lost when only reading isolated verses. By seeing the big picture, readers can better appreciate the structure and flow of the Bible's message.

Varying Study Methods and Resources

To avoid monotony, Ralph suggests varying Bible study methods, such as switching between topical studies, character studies, and thematic studies. He also recommends using different devotionals and engaging with podcasts or videos that explore biblical topics. These varied approaches can introduce new perspectives and keep the study fresh and engaging.

Applying Biblical Principles to Life and Finances

Ralph draws a parallel between spiritual and financial habits, stressing that just as Bible study can become routine, so can financial practices. He suggests applying the same principles used to refresh Bible study to one’s financial life. This includes praying for wisdom in financial decisions, trying different budgeting methods, and reflecting on past spending habits to uncover patterns. By integrating spiritual practices into financial life, Ralph believes listeners can achieve transformation in both areas.

Final Encouragement and Call to Action

Ralph concludes by encouraging Betty and other listeners to persist in their efforts to revitalize their Bible study. He emphasizes that seeking a deeper connection with God’s word is itself a positive step. He closes with a prayer for renewed insight and understanding, and provides actionable steps for listeners to take in their spiritual and financial lives, such as trying a new Bible study method for a week, sharing insights with others, and reviewing their budget with a fresh perspective.


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