Ask Ralph: Christian Finance
Oct. 21, 2024

What Should You Do If You Outlive Your Life Insurance Policy?

What Should You Do If You Outlive Your Life Insurance Policy?

What to Do if You Outlive Your Life Insurance

In episode 295 of The Ask Ralph Show, Ralph Estep Jr. tackles a question many don’t think about until it’s too late: what happens if you outlive your life insurance? If you’ve been paying into a term life policy for years, the thought of it expiring without ever being used can be daunting. Ralph shares his experience and expert advice, offering strategies for protecting your financial future even after you Outlive Your Life Insurance Policy.

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Why Is Outliving Your Policy a Concern?

As Ralph highlights, many people don’t realize the potential challenges of outliving a term life insurance policy until it’s just a few years from expiring. Mitch, a 55-year-old listener, raised this exact concern. He took out a 25-year term policy when his children were young to protect his family if anything happened to him. With only five years left on the policy and his business not easily transferable to his children, he’s worried about what happens if he lives past the term. Ralph reassures Mitch—and listeners—that this is a common situation, but it requires careful planning to navigate.

1. Review Your Policy Terms

According to Ralph, the first step to take is to thoroughly understand your current life insurance policy. When does it expire? Does it include options for renewal or conversion? Some term life policies allow you to convert to a permanent life insurance policy, such as whole life or universal life, often without needing a new medical exam. Knowing these details can help you plan for the future rather than waiting until the policy ends.

2. Evaluate Your Current Life Stage

Ralph explains that your life circumstances change, so do your financial needs. For instance, when you first purchased life insurance, you may have had a mortgage, young children, or business obligations. Now, you might have paid off your home, your children may be financially independent, and your debt may be lower. Assess whether your current situation still requires life insurance. If your loved ones would be financially stable without it, you might not need to renew or extend your coverage.

3. Explore New Insurance Options

If you do still need coverage, you have several options. Ralph shares the story of his client, John, who faced a similar situation. John’s term policy expired, and he didn’t want to take on the high cost of a new extensive policy. Instead, they converted a portion of his policy to permanent coverage and supplemented it with a more minor term policy for specific needs. Ralph suggests speaking with your insurance agent to explore these options—many policies allow you to convert to a whole life or universal life policy without a medical exam.

4. Plan for Final Expenses

If renewing life insurance isn’t an option due to cost or health reasons, Ralph recommends setting up a savings plan for final expenses. The average cost of a funeral in the U.S. is over $7,000, so having a dedicated fund for these expenses can relieve your family of financial burden. Another option is to look into more minor policies, such as burial insurance, which may cover funeral costs and provide peace of mind without the higher premiums of a more extensive policy.

5. Consider Long-Term Care and Combination Policies

Ralph also suggests exploring combination life insurance policies that include long-term care coverage. Healthcare costs can increase significantly as you age, and long-term care insurance can help protect your savings. These policies offer both a death benefit and funds for long-term care, ensuring your family is financially secure in multiple ways.

Conclusion: Preparing for Life After Life Insurance

Outliving your life insurance policy doesn’t mean your financial planning is over. You can protect your family's financial future by reviewing your current coverage, assessing your needs, and exploring new options like policy conversion or final expense savings. Ralph emphasizes that planning is vital—don’t wait until your policy is about to expire before taking action.

For more advice on life insurance and financial planning, tune into The Ask Ralph Show. You can also schedule a one-on-one consultation with Ralph to explore personalized strategies that fit your needs.

Stay financially savvy, and God bless!

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