How do I set healthy boundaries with social media from a Godly Perspective?
Are you struggling to balance your social media use with your responsibilities and faith? Feeling overwhelmed by the digital distractions and looking for guidance from a Christian perspective? Tune in to this episode of the Ask Ralph Podcast with Ralph Estep Jr. as he discusses strategies for setting healthy boundaries with social media. How Do I Set Healthy Boundaries With Social Media From A Godly Perspective? With Ralph Estep, Jr.
In this episode, Ralph delves into practical steps for using social media effectively for business without letting it consume your life, from setting specific goals and scheduling activities to turning off push notifications and considering a virtual assistant. Drawing from biblical principles and personal experiences, he provides spiritual strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media. He emphasizes the importance of self-discipline, planning, and trusting in God's guidance. Discover how these strategies can help you manage your social media use, reduce digital distractions, and deepen your faith.
00:00 Episode Overview
01:08 Listener’s Concern
02:31 Bible Verse
03:39 Using Social Media Effectively for Business
06:18 Spiritual Strategies for Healthy Social Media Use
08:45 Overcoming Social Media Addiction
10:42 Ralph’s Personal Experience
11:13 Recap and Final Thoughts
13:23 Outro
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Ralph Estep Jr.:
Hey there, financial faithful. Are you scrolling through life instead of living it? Is your screen time stealing your green time? Well, stick around because today on the Ask Ralph Show, we're diving into the digital dilemma that's draining both our wallets and our walk with God.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Oops, sorry about that. I should have put my phone on silent. But hey, that's exactly what we're talking about today, isn't it? How do we set healthy boundaries with social media from a Godly perspective? And more importantly, how do we find balance and break potential addictions? Trust me, you don't want to miss this eye-opening episode. But before we jump in, let's take a quick look back at yesterday's show. We tackled a question that keeps many parents up at night: How am I going to pay for my children's college education? I hope you found some practical strategies to start building that college fund without breaking the bank. As always, you can find all our episodes at
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Well, now let's get to today's hot topic. But first, I want to share a voicemail message from one of our listeners. This comes from Jack in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Hey, Ralph. I'm a small business owner and a dedicated Christian, but I'm struggling with my social media use. It started as a way to promote my business, but now I find myself mindlessly scrolling for hours. I'm neglecting my prayer time, my family, and even my business. How can I use social media effectively for my business without letting it consume my life? Is there a way to approach this from a Christian perspective? I feel like if I don't do something soon, I am going to lose not only my business but also my family. I could really use your help. By the way, I love the show and I tell everyone about it. I even just ordered a shirt from your merchandise store.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Wow, Jack, I think you've hit the nail on the head with that question. And that's so relevant to many of us. Thank you for your honesty, and I'm glad you reached out. We're going to dive deep into this today. But before we do, I want to welcome all of you wonderful listeners to another episode of the Ask Ralph Show. I'm your host, Ralph, and I'm here to help you master your finances from a Christian perspective. Thank you for tuning in and making this show a part of your day.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
As we tackle this important topic, let's start with a relevant Bible verse. It comes to us from the book of Proverbs, chapter 25 verse 28, and it says, "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." This verse reminds us of the importance of self-discipline, which is crucial when it comes to managing our social media use.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Now let's dive into the main content. Jack's question touches on a struggle that many of us face in this digital age. Social media can be a powerful tool for business and connection, but it can also become a time-consuming distraction that pulls us away from what truly matters in life.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
So first, let's address the business aspect. Hey, I'm a small business owner myself; I understand the pressure to maintain an online presence. Social media can be an excellent way to reach customers, showcase your products or services, and build your brand. However, it's crucial to approach it strategically rather than reactively. I have one client who just recently told me he spends up to an hour a day managing the social media for his business. So here are some practical steps you can take to use social media effectively for your business without letting it consume your life.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Number one, set specific goals for your social media use. Are you looking to increase brand awareness? Maybe you're looking to drive sales and provide customer service? Having clear objectives will help you stay focused. As I always say, what gets measured gets done. So if you want to have a successful social media presence, you've got to have a plan and set some specific goals.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Number two, schedule your social media activities. There are great tools out there like HootSuite or Buffer to plan and schedule your posts in advance. This allows you to batch your social media work instead of constantly being online. I personally use these services for both my accounting practice as well as the show. It saves me tons of time and allows me to maintain a strong online presence.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Let's look at number three, and that is to set strict time limits for social media engagement. For example, you might decide to dedicate 30 minutes in the morning and then 30 minutes at night to respond to comments and messages. This is crucial. Listen, I even encourage you to set a timer and stick to it. It's way too easy to get sucked into the never-ending scroll, and the next thing you know, you've spent half the day on social media. Be careful of this and set some strict limits.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Number four, turn off push notifications for social media apps. This will prevent the constant temptation to check your phone every time it buzzes. We've all gotten accustomed to that buzzing sound. These are massive disruptions, and they can lead to constant interruptions throughout your day.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
And finally, number five, consider having a virtual assistant or social media manager if your business requires a more extensive social media presence. This can free up your time while still maintaining your important online presence. As I mentioned a month or so ago, I recently enlisted the support of a production team here on the show. They've really helped me manage the time I spend doing the show with the needs of my accounting practice. I'm still looking to exceed expectations for my clients, so that outsourcing or virtual help has really assisted me.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
When I look at this from a Christian perspective, as believers, we're called to be good stewards of our time and resources. The Book of Ephesians 5:15-16, reminds us: "Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil." Well, that verse certainly gets your attention, doesn't it? Here are some spiritual strategies to help you find balance and set healthy boundaries with social media.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
First, start your day with God, not your phone. Instead of reaching for your device first thing in the morning, spend time in prayer and Bible study. This can set the tone for your day and remind you of your priorities. I even recommend not using your phone for your Bible or your devotional. Buy a book or use your paper Bible. It'll prevent you from getting launched into checking your updates.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Second, practice digital Sabbaths. Choose one day a week or even just a few hours each day to completely unplug from social media. Use this time to connect with God, your family, and your community in person. I'll be doing a whole show on this topic very soon, so look out for it.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Third, use your social media presence as a ministry. Share encouraging Bible verses, talk about your faith journey, and how your business reflects your Christian values. This can turn your online activity into a form of witnessing. I do this as a center of my daily show. It's all about balancing finances with your faith. This show is truly my mission field, and I feel called by God to do it. I'm hoping you're finding value in the show. And I'm going to ask you right now, if you do find value, do me a favor: share it with others and let's grow this ministry.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Fourth, before you post or engage, ask yourself this simple question: Is this glorifying God? Is this helping build others up? This can help you use your social media more intentionally and positively. We need to move away from the constant negativity we see way too much online and look for opportunities to share positive things that glorify God and help build people up.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
And fifth and finally, replace some of your social media time with service. Volunteer at your local church or community organization. This will not only reduce your screen time but also allow you to live out your faith in tangible ways. We can all find time to help build our local churches and communities.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Now let's address the addiction aspect. Social media platforms are designed to be addictive. They use psychological tricks to keep us scrolling. That's just the truth. But as Christians, we're called to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. That's right from Romans 12:2, not conformed to the patterns of this world. So if you find yourself struggling with social media addiction, and trust me, I've been there, here are some steps you can take.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Start by acknowledging the problem. Recognize that excessive social media use is hindering your relationship with God, harming your relationship with your family, and it could be impacting your business. It all starts with awareness. Then the second thing you want to do is a digital detox. Take a week or two and completely take time off of social media. Use this time to reset your habits and rediscover offline activities you enjoy, maybe take a walk. I encourage each of you to do this and regain your perspective.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Another thing you can do is use ad blockers or screen time limiters. Most smartphones now have built-in features to limit app usage, or you can download third-party apps for this very purpose. These are great resources and will help you break that addiction.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
It's important also to find some accountability. Share your struggles with a trusted friend, family member, or your church small group. People may be going through the same things you're going through. Extend the check-in on your progress regularly. And the truth is, folks, to be truly successful, you've got to replace the habit with something else. When you feel the urge to check social media, try praying, reading a Bible verse, or calling a friend instead. These are excellent replacements.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
And this is crucial: seek professional help if you need it. If you're finding it impossible to control your social media use, don't be afraid to reach out to a Christian counselor or additional support. Like I said at the beginning, these are meant to be addictive. Remember, the goal isn't to completely eliminate social media from your life—I'm not saying it's terrible—but it's about finding a healthy balance that allows you to use these tools effectively for your business while still making priority for your family, your faith, and your personal well-being.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Let me share a personal experience. A few years ago, I realized I was spending way too much time scrolling through my newsfeed and reading my Bible was truly a wake-up call for me. I decided to implement what I call a phone-free hour every morning. During this time, I would read, pray, or simply be present with my family. You know what? Not only did it really deepen my relationship with God, but I also found I was more creative and productive in my business. Sometimes stepping away from the noise of social media allows us to hear God's voice more clearly.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Now let's recap what we've covered today. We discussed how to use social media effectively for business, including setting clear goals and scheduling your social media activities. We explored spiritual strategies for maintaining a healthy relationship with social media, such as starting your day with God and practicing digital Sabbaths. And like I said, I'll be doing a show about that very issue soon. We addressed social media addiction and provided practical steps to break free of that, including digital detoxes and finding an accountability person.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Remember, small changes can lead to big results. You don't have to overhaul your entire life overnight. Start with one or two of these strategies and build from there. The key is to be intentional about your social media use, always keeping your faith at the center. I hope this episode has been helpful to you, Jack, and to our listeners grappling with this modern challenge. Remember, God has called us to be in the world but not of the world. We can use social media as a tool for good, but we shouldn't let it control us or distract us from what truly matters.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Well, before we wrap up, I want to remind you about tomorrow's show. We tackle another crucial financial topic: How do I rebuild my credit after a financial crisis? Trust me, we've all been through those. So if you or someone you know has been through financial hardship, you won't want to miss this episode. And hey, do you have a burning financial question you'd like answered on the show? We'd love to hear from you. That's what the Ask Ralph Show is all about: answering your questions and helping you master your finances from a Christian perspective. So don't be shy. Send in those questions.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Now, here's your call to action for today. Visit our website at and join our community. When you do, you'll get a free copy of my book, *Mastering Your Finances*. That's right, this book sells for 10 bucks on Amazon, but by joining our email list, you'll get a copy absolutely free. It's packed with practical advice rooted in biblical principles, and I know it'll be a blessing to you. If you found value in today's episode, why not share it with a friend or family member who might be struggling with social media balance? You never know how God might use your simple act of sharing to impact someone's life.
Ralph Estep Jr.:
Well, that's all for today, folks. Remember, small changes in how we use social media can lead to big improvements in our financial and spiritual lives. So put down that phone, pick up your Bible, and watch how God works in your life and business. Until next time, stay financially savvy, and may God bless you today.