Tax identity theft can be a devastating blow to your finances, leaving you feeling violated and overwhelmed. Today, we dive deep into this pressing issue, sharing practical steps you can take to protect yourself and your fam…
Have you ever received a notification that your Social Security number was found on the dark web? If so, you're not alone, and it's a terrifying experience that can leave you feeling vulnerable and helpless. Ralph Estep shar…
Catherine, a small business owner, faced a devastating cyberattack that locked her out of her entire life's work, demanding a ransom in Bitcoin. This harrowing experience serves as a crucial reminder of the increasing threat…
Feeling uneasy when asked for your Social Security number is a valid concern, and today’s discussion highlights the nine riskiest places where you might be asked to provide it. From gym memberships to job applications and ev…
Losing a wallet can lead to more than just a temporary inconvenience; it can be the gateway to a full-blown identity theft nightmare. In this episode, Ralph delves into practical steps you can take to safeguard your identity…