Aug. 2, 2024

How can I use financial “fasting” to grow closer to God?

Are your finances causing stress and affecting your relationship with God? Feeling overwhelmed by materialism and looking for a way to find peace and spiritual growth? Tune in to this episode of the Ask Ralph Podcast with Ralph Estep Jr. as he introduces the concept of “Financial Fasting.” How Can I Use Financial “Fasting” to Grow Closer to God? With Ralph Estep, Jr.

In this episode, Ralph delves into how Financial Fasting—intentionally cutting back on spending to focus on spiritual growth—can help you break free from financial stress and grow closer to God. Drawing from biblical principles and personal experiences, he provides practical steps for starting your own financial fast, from setting a specific timeframe to redirecting resources towards giving and saving. He emphasizes the broader impact of financial fasting, not just for personal growth, but also for helping others in need. Discover how financial fasting can help you find true freedom and deepen your faith.

00:00 Episode Overview

01:02 Listener’s Concern

01:37 Bible Verse

02:16 Defining Financial Fasting

03:02 Ralph’s Experience

03:33 Actionable Steps

08:15 Materialism and Our Relationship with God

07:08 Financial Fasting Story

08:12 Recap and Final Thoughts

10:06 Outro






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Ralph Estep Jr.:

Have you ever wondered if there's a way to improve your finances and grow closer to God at the same time? Well, stick around because today we're diving into a powerful concept that might just change your life. It's called financial fasting.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Let's take a quick look back at yesterday's show. We tackled the nerve-racking topic of how to handle getting audited by the IRS. Remember, I wasn't trying to put any fear in you. But folks, honesty and organization are your best friends when dealing with the tax man. So if you missed that, you can check it out at With that, let's jump into today's episode. It's Financial Friday, and we've got a great question from one of our listeners. First, I want to thank all of you for tuning in. Your support means the world to me, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve you through this podcast.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Alright, let's hear from today's listener. This message comes from Stephen in Huntsville, Alabama. And Stephen writes this:




"Dear Ralph, I've been struggling with my finances lately, and I feel like it's affecting my relationship with God. I've heard about fasting in the Bible, but I'm not sure how it relates to money. Can you explain what the Bible says about fasting and how it might apply to my financial life to grow closer to God?"




That's a great question, Stephen. I'm sure many of our listeners can relate to your situation.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Now, before we dive into the answer, let's turn to the good book for some wisdom. In the book of Isaiah 58:6, we read:




"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?"




This verse gives us a powerful insight into what God considers true fasting. It's not just about giving up food; it's about breaking free from the things that hold us back and oppress us. And let me tell you, financial struggles can certainly feel like chains and yokes weighing us down. They certainly do for me.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

So let's talk about financial fasting and how it can help us grow closer to God while improving our financial situation. First off, what exactly is financial fasting, you might ask? Well, just like traditional fasting involves abstaining from food for a period of time, financial fasting means intentionally cutting back on your spending or giving up certain financial habits for a specific period of time.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Now you might be thinking, "Ralph, that sounds an awful lot like budgeting," and you're not wrong. You know I always talk about budgeting, but financial fasting takes it a step further. It's not just about cutting expenses; it's about intentionally redirecting our focus from material things to spiritual growth.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Let me share a personal experience with you. A few years ago, I was feeling overwhelmed by the constant barrage of ads and the pressure to keep up with the Joneses. I decided to try a 30-day financial fast myself. I cut out all non-essential spending and committed to using that time and money to serve others and grow my faith. Let me tell you, it was tough. At first, I realized how much of my life revolved around spending money.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

But as the days went by, something amazing happened. I found myself with more time to pray, more resources to give, and a deeper appreciation for what truly matters in life. It really taught me to appreciate what I have. So how can you apply this concept to your own life? Here are some actionable steps you can take to start your own financial fast.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

First thing, set a specific timeframe. Start with something manageable like a week or two. You can always extend it if you feel motivated. The more specific, the better. And from my experience, the shorter the duration, the more likely you're going to keep the fast.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Number two, define your fast. Decide what you're going to give up. It could be eating out, online shopping, or even that daily latte run. This is a time to be very specific and make it measurable.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Number three, redirect your resources. Instead of spending that money, set it aside for giving or saving. This is a great way to build that emergency fund, pay down debt, or even make extra principal payments on your mortgage.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Number four, use the time wisely. When you're tempted to spend, use that moment as a reminder to pray or read your Bible. This is a time to find areas for service, maybe start a healthy habit like exercise, or find some other useful way to spend your time.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Number five, reflect and journal. Keep track of your experiences, challenges, and insights during the fast. Keeping a journal is a great way to document and share this with others and remind yourself about your feelings during the journey.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

And number six, share your journey. Consider inviting a friend or family member to join you in the fast for accountability and support. By sharing your journey, you may be able to convince others to try it as well.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Now you might be wondering, "Ralph, how does this help me grow closer to God?" That's a great question. Financial fasting helps us break free from the materialism that often clouds our relationship with God. It reminds us that our worth isn't in what we own, but in who we are in Christ. When we fast from spending, we create space in our lives to focus on what truly matters. We learn to rely on God for our contentment rather than on material possessions. Let me tell you, that's a game-changer.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

But here's the kicker. Financial fasting isn't just about personal growth. Remember that verse from Isaiah? It talks about loosening the chains of injustice and setting the oppressed free. When we free up our resources through fasting, we have more to give to those in need. Imagine if we all took the money we saved during a financial fast and used it to support a local charity or help a neighbor in need. We'd be living out our faith in a tangible way and making a real difference in our communities.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "Ralph, this sounds great in theory, but I'm already struggling to make ends meet. How in the world can I fast from spending when I'm barely getting by?" And trust me, I hear you. That's a valid concern. But the beauty of financial fasting is that it can be adapted to any situation. If you're already living on a tight budget, your fast might look very different from mine.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Maybe it's giving up your Netflix subscription for a month and using that time to volunteer instead. Or maybe it's committing to cooking all of your meals at home for a week and donating the money you saved to your church's food bank. Perhaps brown-bagging your lunch instead of eating out. The point is, financial fasting isn't about deprivation; it's about intentionality. It's about taking a step back from our consumer-driven culture and reconnecting with what truly matters.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Let me share another quick story with you. A couple of years ago, I met a man named Mike at a financial seminar I was giving. Mike was drowning in credit card debt and feeling disconnected from his faith. I suggested he try a financial fast, and he looked at me like I was crazy. But Mike decided to give it a shot. He committed to a 21-day fast from all non-essential spending. He told me that at first, it was tough. He realized how much he relied on retail therapy to cope with stress. Boy, I'll tell you, I do that too.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

But as the days went by, something shifted. Mike started spending more time in prayer and reading his Bible. He began to see his spending habits in a brand new light. He tells me that by the end of the 21 days, he had not only saved a significant amount of money to put towards his debt but also felt a renewed sense of purpose and connection with God. He told me this: "Ralph, for the first time in years, I feel free." And that's what financial fasting is all about, folks. It's about breaking free from the chains of materialism and finding true freedom in Christ.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Well, let's recap what we've covered today. Number one, financial fasting is intentionally cutting back on spending to focus on spiritual growth. Number two, it's rooted in biblical principles of self-discipline and ultimately caring for others. Number three, it can help us break free from materialism and grow closer to God. Listen, if you live in this culture, you are directly impacted by materialism. Number four, anyone can practice financial fasting regardless of their financial situation. And number five, the goal is not just personal growth but also freeing up resources to help others. Remember, financial fasting isn't a one-time thing. It's truly a practice you can return to whenever you feel like your finances or your faith need a reset.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Now, before I wrap up, I want to remind all of you to send in your questions for the show. Truly, the whole point of Ask Ralph is to answer your questions and help you on your journey to financial freedom and spiritual growth. So don't be shy. Send those questions in. And speaking of questions, tomorrow's is going to be a doozy. We're tackling the topic: "Is it possible to estimate my Social Security benefits in the future?" Trust me, you don't want to miss it.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

Here's your call to action for today: Visit our website at and join our community. When you sign up for our email list, you'll get a free copy of my book, "Mastering Your Finances." That's right, folks, this book sells for $10 on Amazon, but you can get it absolutely free just by joining our community. And while you're at it, why not share this episode with a friend who might be interested? You never know whose life you might change.



Ralph Estep Jr.:

And hey, if you found value in today's episode, consider trying a financial fast yourself. Start small, maybe a 24-hour fast from spending, and see how it impacts your faith and finances. I'd love to hear about your experiences. Don't forget to share them with our community. As we close, I want to leave you with this thought: Your finances are not separate from your faith. They're an integral part of how you live out your beliefs. So let's use them wisely, let's use them intentionally, and in a way that honors God. So until next time, stay financially savvy and God bless you.