Ask Ralph: Christian Finance

Season 5

Dec. 31, 2023

Steps For Withdrawing An Employee Retention Credit Claim

Ralph Estep, Jr. discusses the steps for withdrawing an Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claim in today's episode of the Ask Ralph show. He emphasizes the importance of reviewing eligibility criteria, gathering relevant documentation, determining the...
Dec. 30, 2023

Tax Breaks for Seniors

Ralph Estep, Jr. discusses the best tax breaks for seniors in today's episode of the Ask Ralph show. He highlights tax-saving opportunities such as the extra standard deduction for seniors over 65, spousal IRA contributions, qualified charitable...
Dec. 29, 2023

Self-Employment Tax

In this episode of the Ask Ralph show, host Ralph Estep, Jr. discusses the important topic of self-employment tax. He explains that self-employment tax is what individuals who work for themselves must pay on their income, including both employer and...
Dec. 28, 2023

IRS Related Identity Theft

Ralph Estep, Jr. discusses IRS related identity theft in today's episode of the Ask Ralph show. He emphasizes the importance of responding promptly if the IRS contacts you regarding suspected identity theft and provides steps to take, including...
Dec. 27, 2023

Mortgage & Economic Update - An Interview with Jason Bochniak

Looking for a mortgage? Looking for the best rates? Join Ralph Estep, Jr., as he interviews mortgage expert Jason Bockniak. A great discussion about the mortgage market and the overall economy. Jason dives deep into historical trends and points out...
Dec. 26, 2023

Three Reasons To Take Social Security Early

It's a tough choice - When should I take my social security? Let Ralph Estep, Jr., share with you some concrete ideas about the right age to select to take your benefits and the potential pitfalls of making the wrong decision for your specific...
Dec. 25, 2023

The Lawsuit That Could Disrupt The US Tax System

No more taxes on Social Security! Join Ralph Estep, Jr., as he explores the lawsuit which could significantly disrupt the US tax system. As we eagerly await a US Supreme Court decision, listen as Ralph explores the Moore case and how it may impact...
Dec. 25, 2023

A Special Christmas Message - The True Meaning of Christmas

What is the real reason for the season? Join Ralph Estep, Jr., as he shares a special Christmas message about joy, hope and love during the holiday season. All of us at the Ask Ralph podcast wish you a very Merry Christmas and a joyous New Year!
Dec. 24, 2023

How to Ruin Your Credit Score - And FIX IT!

Have you ruined your credit score? Many of us have faced the issue of a low credit score that has impacted our ability to borrow, but don't be discouraged. Join Ralph Estep, Jr., and he explains how credit scores are determined, but more importantly...
Dec. 23, 2023

The Four Best Pieces of Money Advice That People Hate to Hear

Money advice that works, but most people don't want to hear because it takes work to turn these ideas into action. Join Ralph Estep, Jr., as he highlights the four pieces of money advice which will absolutely transform your financial present and...
Dec. 22, 2023

Rules for Determining Independent Contractor Status

Don't make the costly mistake of characterizing someone as an independent contractor when they are really an employee. Ralph Estep, Jr., explores the details related to the process of determining the correct status of workers. Avoid significant...
Dec. 21, 2023

Tax Tips for Self-Employed and Contract Workers

If you are self-employed or a contract worker you need to listen to today's podcast where Ralph Estep, Jr., explores important tax tips to improve your tax situation. From accurate record keeping to entity considerations, Ralph dives into great ideas...
Dec. 20, 2023

Best Tax Tips for Barbers and Cosmetologists

Concrete tax tips and valuable discussion for those working as barbers and in the cosmetology industry. From accounting for tips to using cash apps, Ralph Estep, Jr., dives into beneficial tax assistance strategies.  Please share our Podcast...
Dec. 19, 2023

Time To Select A New Accountant?

Now is the time to find a new Accountant if you are looking to make a change. As we make our New Year's resolutions - now is a great time to resolve to get your books in order. Ralph Estep, Jr., explores why to select a new accountant and what to look...
Dec. 18, 2023

The Best Options When You Owe The IRS

People tend to panic when they owe the IRS, but Ralph Estep, Jr., provides the best way to reduce the stress and the remove the fear of the process. It's not something to ignore or put-off and there are steps which everyone should take when they find...
Dec. 17, 2023

Choosing An Accountant To Handle Your Payroll

Payroll may be a daunting task and if you make mistakes there are significant penalties for not handling payroll correctly. Ralph Estep, Jr., explores why selecting an accountant to handle payroll is so important and explores some of the problems...
Dec. 16, 2023

Demystifying Business Valuations

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's Ask Ralph Show as he demystifyies business valuations. Ralph explores what is meant by a business valuation, why they are important and how the process works.
Dec. 15, 2023

Year-End Tasks to Ensure Your Records Are In Order

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's show as Ralph explores the best year-end tasks to perform when using QuickBooks online to ensure you are ready for tax preparation. Ralph shares specific actions that all businesses should take at year-end.
Dec. 14, 2023

Crazy Deductions for Content Creators?

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's Ask Ralph show as he discussed some crazy tax deductions which are available to content creators. If you work as a content creator this is a must hear podcast.
Dec. 13, 2023

Should I Pay Off My Mortgage With Retirement Funds?

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's Ask Ralph Show as he answers the question - Should I Pay Off My Mortgage With Retirement Funds? Ralph explores the potential consequences as well as tax costs of such a move.
Dec. 12, 2023

Second Mortgages - What are they and how do they work?

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's show as we explores Second Mortgages. Ralph has a discussion about the types of second mortgages as well as the application process. He also delves into the pros and cons of these loans.
Dec. 11, 2023

Selecting An Accountant to Handle Your Taxes

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's show as we discusses what to look for when selecting an accountant to handle your taxes and why choosing a licensed accountant is a better option that a simple tax preparer or online software.
Dec. 10, 2023

Exploring the New Delaware Paid Leave Program

Join Ralph Estep, Jr., on today's podcast as he explores the impact of the New Delaware Paid Leave Program and how it will affect all Delaware businesses with more than 10 employees. Ralph discuss the goals of the program as well as the impact on...
Dec. 9, 2023

Student Loans and Bankruptcy - Updated Rules

Join Ralph Estep Jr., on today's show as he discusses some Biden Administration updates to the laws related to including student loan debt in bankruptcy. Ralph discusses the new details related to these updated rules.