Dec. 22, 2024

How do I navigate inflation while maintaining generosity?

Are you feeling the pinch of inflation and struggling to maintain your generosity? You're not alone, as many are facing the difficult choice of cutting back on giving while trying to make ends meet. This episode addresses the heartfelt letter from Carlene, who grapples with guilt over her reduced contributions to her church and local charities due to rising costs. Ralph shares insightful strategies to nurture a generous spirit even in tough financial times, emphasizing that true generosity goes beyond monetary gifts. By trusting in God's provision and exploring creative ways to give, listeners can discover that generosity can flourish, even when budgets feel tight. Tune in for practical advice and encouragement to help you balance your financial responsibilities with your desire to give, navigating inflation while maintaining generosity.

Podcast Timestamps:

00:00 Episode Overview

01:01 Listener's Heartfelt Letter

03:13 Biblical Insights on Generosity

05:50 Real-Life Example: Sal's Story

11:19 Practical Steps for Generosity

15:03 Prayer

15:36 Closing


  • Inflation can squeeze your budget, but there are still ways to maintain generosity.
  • Trusting in God's provision is essential, even when financial struggles feel overwhelming.
  • Practicing skills-based giving can be just as impactful as financial contributions.
  • Creating a generosity fund helps cultivate a giving spirit without causing financial strain.
  • Engaging in community sharing can multiply your efforts and enhance your impact.
  • Remember that every small act of kindness or service is a valuable form of generosity.


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00:00 - None

00:25 - Navigating Generosity in Times of Inflation

01:25 - Navigating Financial Struggles with Faith

08:30 - Transforming Challenges into Opportunities

15:15 - Navigating Financial Challenges with Faith

18:49 - Building a Stronger Financial Future Together


Ralph Estep Jr

Have you ever stood in the grocery store staring at prices that seem to climb higher every week? Your heart sinks as you realize that same cart of groceries that cost $150 last year now runs over 200 bucks.

And in that moment you feel a deeper ache, the pain of having to cut back on your giving or on your generosity.

If that's you, stay with me today because I'm going to share how you can keep your generous spirit alive even when inflation is squeezing your budget tight.

Podcast Announcer

Welcome to the Ask Ralph Podcast where listening to an experienced financial professional with over 30 years of experience can help you make sense of confusing questions, current headlines and industry trends about taxes, small business, financial decision making, investment strategies, and even the art of proper budgeting. Ask Ralph makes the complex simple by sharing his real world knowledge from a Christian perspective with all things financial.

Now here's your Host, Ralph Estep Jr.

Ralph Estep Jr

Thank you for joining me today on the Ask Ralph show where we're mastering finances from a Christian perspective. Yesterday, we talked about handling auto insurance for college students. And if you miss that episode, you'll want to catch it for some incredible money saving strategies that could help keep your family safe while keeping your students protected at school.

Today's episode comes from a heartfelt letter that truly touched me. Carlene from South Dakota writes, "Dear Ralph, I'm writing with a heavy heart today. For years, I faithfully given to my church and helped others whenever I could. It's always been a core part of who I am as a Christian. But lately, I've been lying a week at night, feeling this crushing guilt that I just can't maintain my giving like I used to. Yesterday, I was at the grocery store, and the total for my basic groceries came to almost double what I paid last year. My rent just jumped 15% and gas prices, well, you know how that story goes. I had to make the heartbreaking decision to cut back on my giving to my church and the local food bank where I volunteered for years. Every Sunday when the offering plate passes by, I feel this knot in my stomach. I know God understands our struggles, but I can't shake this feeling that I'm letting Him down. The Bible talks about cheerful giving, but right now, I'm just trying to keep my head above water. How can I honor God with my finances when everything is so expensive. Is there a way to maintain a generous heart when inflation is eating away at every dollar? I need guidance on how to balance being a good steward of my resources while still living out the biblical principle of generosity. With a troubled heart." That's how Carlene signed it.

So Carlene, I hear the pain in your words. And I want you to know, first of all, you're not alone in this struggle. Now, before we get into today's message, I want to remind you that you can submit your questions at And don't forget to join me for our live show every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Eastern time. And that's at Again, that's 7:00 PM. Eastern time, every Tuesday.

Carlene, your letter reminds me that sometimes our biggest financial struggles are actually matters of the heart. As I read your words about lying awake at night and that knot in your stomach during the offering, I'm reminded that God sees beyond our bank accounts. And into the depths of our intentions. You know, your struggle actually mirrors a profound moment in scripture. In Malachi's time, the people were facing their own economic hardships. They were questioning whether they could afford to bring their offerings to God, much like you're questioning now.

But through the prophet Malachi, God provided one of the most powerful promises in scripture about giving and trust. So let's turn to Malachi 3:10-12. "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will be not room enough to store it. I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not drop their fruit before it is ripe," says the Lord Almighty. "Then all the nations will call you blessed, for yours will be a delightful land," says the Lord God Almighty."

This passage isn't just about tithing. It's about God's heart for partnership with His people during their financial struggles. When God says, Test me in this," He's actually inviting us into a beautiful relationship of trust, much like I aim to walk alongside my listeners in their financial journeys. Just as I share practical financial advice grounded in scripture with my listeners, God is offering both practical provision and spiritual guidance through this verse.

You see, Carlene, the scripture speaks directly to your situation because it addresses both the practical aspects of giving and that emotional weight you're carrying. It's about more than just money. It's about trusting God's provision while making wise financial decisions that align with your faith. You see, Carlene, again, this verse isn't just about money; it's about trust. When God challenges us to test Him in this area, He's inviting us into a deeper relationship of faith.

Let me tell you about Sal. A client whose situation really mirrors what many of you are experiencing. Sal owns a small manufacturing company that makes specialized parts for the automotive industry. Last spring, he walked into my office, his shoulders were slumped, holding a stack of financial reports that told an all too familiar story in today's economy. "Ralph," he said, his voice was heavy with concern. "I've always made it a priority to support our church's youth ministry and the local business mentorship program. But these costs, they're killing me." He spread out his statements across my desk, pointing to figures that had doubled and tripled over the past year. You see, Sal had always viewed his business as a ministry tool, understanding that Kingdom centered business isn't just about profits but about serving others selflessly. His company had been known for paying fair wages, providing excellent benefits and supporting various community initiatives. But with raw material cost up 40%, labor demands increasing and utility skyrocketing, he was facing tough decisions.

What really got to me was when he shared how he'd been losing sleep. He was wrestling with whether to cut his charitable giving to keep his 20 employees on payroll. He said to me, he said, these people depend on me. But I also know God has blessed this business to be a blessing to others. This is where I share with him the principle of seeking first God's kingdom, knowing that all other things will be provided. We talked about how financial stewardship doesn't always mean giving more. Sometimes it means giving smarter and finding creative ways to maintain our commitments while navigating challenges. So we sat down, we worked together.

We developed a strategy that align with biblical wisdom for financial decision-making. And instead of completely cutting his giving, we restructured his business operations. We implemented some cost saving measures that didn't compromise his values. We also found ways his company could give through its in-kind services and volunteering. This was a way for them to maintain their community impact even when cash was tight. And the breakthrough came when Sal realized that challenges in business can actually be opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable roadblocks. He learned by trusting in God's guidance, he was able to make decisions that align with his values of integrity. These were things that were important to him. Compassion and justice, rather than just focusing on profit margins. Six months later, Sal's business had not only maintained its giving commitment, but it actually found new ways to serve the community. And his story reminds us that with unwavering trust in God's promises, we can face any challenge with confidence. And I was thinking about Sal the other day, I was reviewing my giving statement when something caught my attention. My own percentage of giving had dropped due to inflation. And I felt the same knot in my stomach that you described Carlene.

But God reminded me of His promise that when we seek His kingdom first, He provides for all of our needs. And like I said, I remember wrestling with this challenge in my own business during a particularly rough quarter when clients were cutting back due to economic pressures, I faced a decision about maintaining my commitments to giving. Just like Jesus taught about not being anxious about what we'll eat or drink,

I had to trust that God had a greater plan even when the numbers didn't make sense. So here's what transformed my perspective. One morning, while praying about this situation, I was reminded of the parable of the talents. You see, God doesn't just call us to be good stewards of our money. He calls us to be faithful with whatever He's entrusted to us.

In my case, when cash was tight, I started offering financial coaching to struggling families in my church. And what seemed like a simple act of service led to unexpected blessings. Just as a servant who was faithful with five bags of gold gained five more, I watched as God multiplied the impact of my giving, not just in financial terms. But in the lives changed through mentorship and guidance.

This wasn't about the amount I could give. It was about being faithful with what I had and trusting God's promise to strengthen and help me. And through this experience, I learned that true Kingdom centered business isn't just about profits. It's about serving others selflessly and providing value. And when we align our giving with God's purposes, He opens doors we could never have imagined.

Here's what I learned. Even when inflation is squeezing our budgets, we can still be generous in ways that don't always involve opening our wallets. Remember, our money, like our time and skills, is a gift that we're called to use well and share generously. So let me give you some practical steps you can take today.

Number one. Practice skills-based giving. Maybe you're great with numbers. Offer to help someone create a budget. If you're handy, help a single parent with home repairs. These acts of service are valuable forms of generosity. Number two. Look for small, consistent ways to give. Jesus reminds us in Matthew chapter 6, verses 31 and 33, not to be anxious about our needs, but to seek first His kingdom. Sometimes this means giving in smaller amounts but doing it faithfully. Number three. Create what I call a generosity fund by finding creative ways to save. When I started buying generic brands and using coupons, I put the difference into a separate account forgiving. So it's not about the amount. It's about cultivating a generous heart. Number four. Partner with others. In my church, we started a sharing economy where people exchange services and help each other save money. This community approach to generosity multiplies our individual efforts. Remember this. When facing tough decisions about giving during these inflationary times, it's crucial it's absolutely essential to anchor ourselves in God's promises. He's not asking us to give what we don't have. He's asking us to trust Him with what we do have. But here's something powerful I've learned. God often provides in unexpected ways. In 2 Corinthians chapter 9, verse 8, we read, "And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all you need, you will abound in every good work." I've seen this promise fulfilled firsthand. Just like I walk alongside you in your financial journey,

I want to share how God walked with me through my own struggles with generosity. Like I said, when my business was going through a rough patch due to inflation, I learned that money isn't just about having a big bank account. It's about using it in ways that align with our values and do good in the world. And you know what's fascinating? Even small acts of giving can create ripples of change. Maybe it's buying coffee for someone, helping with a utility bill, or offering your skills to someone in need. These moments of generosity, no matter how small, matter to God.

Let me share something practical I started doing. I created what I call a "First Fruits fund." And even when inflation was hitting hard, I committed to setting side the first portion of any income, no matter how small, for giving. Because this wasn't about the amount. It was about prioritizing needs over wants and practicing gratitude. Remember, we're not just talking about Christian finances here.

We're talking about living out your faith through your finances. It's about viewing your money as a resource to be stewarded wisely, especially during challenging economic times. So Carlene, I sure hope today's show has helped with some ideas and more importantly hope for the future. Now let's pray together. "Heavenly Father, in these times of financial pressure and rising costs, help us remember that You are our provider. Give us wisdom to manage what You've entrusted to us and show us creative ways to be generous even when our budgets are tight.

Help us to trust You more than our bank accounts and give us opportunities to bless others in big and small ways. We pray this in Jesus' name. Amen." Now, before I wrap up, I want to remind you about tomorrow's show. Tomorrow, I'm going to explore 7 ways to make the most of your social security check. You won't want to miss these practical strategies that could help you stretch your retirement income even further. You know, at the end of the day, Money is just a tool. What truly matters is how we use it to honor God and serve others. And I'm here to help you navigate these challenges. Not just as a financial advisor, but as someone who's walking this journey of faith and finances alongside of you. I'm right there with you.

So before I close today, let me remind you about the live show. Let me ask you this. Are you struggling to balance your money and faith? Has this episode really hit you? Listen, I get it. Sometimes it feels like you're the only one trying to make Godly financial decisions in a world that pulls you in different directions. And that's exactly why I go live every Tuesday night at 7:00 PM Eastern time, because I want you to know you're not alone in this journey. You know what makes my heart sing? When I see members of our community having those aha moments during our live shows. When someone finally breaks free from debt or understands how to invest while honoring God or finds peace in their financial decisions.

Those are the moments that matter. And every week I hear stories that could be your story like this one. "Ralph, I was drowning in debt until I found your show." Or this one, "I never thought I could invest and stay true to my faith." One of my favorites. "Your advice helped save my marriage from financial stress."

And here's what makes our Tuesday night special. It's real talk about money and faith. There's no sugarcoating. Your questions are answered live. Yes. I'll help with your specific situation. It's a supportive family of believers who get what you're going through because they're going through the same things. And yes, I give away a $100 Amazon gift card every single week. You want to know the best part? The real magic happens in our community. When you join us, you'll see others facing the exact same challenges you are and winning. And their victories become your inspiration.

So here's what I want you to do right now. Take out your phone and add Put it right on your calendar for Tuesday at 7:00 PM. Eastern time. Make this commitment to yourself and your financial future. Don't let another week go by feeling stuck or feeling alone. Join me and our incredible community this Tuesday night and together we'll build a stronger financial future while keeping our faith at the center. Now I'm going to be looking for you on the chat and hey, you might just walk away with that Amazon gift card.

So see you Tuesday at 7:00 PM Eastern time. And that's at Remember this. My passion is to help you achieve financial success. I want to see you live out your dreams, and I want to see you grow in your faith. And I know together we can master your finances from a Christian perspective. So stay financially savvy out there, and on this Sunday, may God bless you abundantly.

Podcast Announcer

Thank you for joining us on the Ask Ralph podcast and with the simple click to subscribe, we'll invite you back to our next episode. And remember, financial issues don't have to be complicated, just Ask Ralph.

The information contained in this episode of Ask Ralph podcast is based on data available as of the date of its release.

Saggio Accounting Plus and Ask Ralph Media, Inc. Is under no obligation to update this content if changes occur.

Applying this information to your specific situation requires careful consideration of all facts and circumstances, and any information provided is not to be considered as financial, tax, or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor or attorney before acting on any material covered.