Sept. 22, 2024

How do I find joy in the mundane?

Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, struggling to find joy in your daily routine? In this episode of the Ask Ralph Podcast, host Ralph dives into the art of finding fulfillment in the mundane. Ralph shares practical strategies to help you rediscover joy and purpose in everyday tasks. How to Find Joy in Your Daily Routine with Ralph Estep Jr.

In this episode of The Ask Ralph Podcast, Ralph explores the often-overlooked aspects of daily life that can bring genuine happiness and satisfaction. He provides actionable advice on turning routine tasks into meaningful experiences, including tips for setting intentional goals, practicing mindfulness, and embracing gratitude. Ralph also shares personal anecdotes and insights on maintaining a positive mindset throughout daily chores and responsibilities.

00:00 Episode Overview

01:02 Listener's Question

03:08 Bible Verse

05:11 Personal Story of Finding Purpose

08:35 Practical Steps to Rediscover Joy

12:21 Creative Approaches and Mindfulness

15:02 Connecting Daily Life to Faith

17:00 Outro 

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[00:00:00] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Have you ever felt stuck in a rut? Like you're going through the motions day after day. Do you find yourself longing for more joy in the mundane aspects of your life? Well, today, I'm tackling a question that resonates with many of us. And that's how do I find joy in the mundane? Stay tuned as we explore how to find purpose, and, bigger than that, how do we find happiness in our everyday routines?


[00:00:28] Ralph Estep, Jr.: This is a show you don't want to miss.


[00:00:35] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Now, before we get started today, I want to remind you about yesterday. We had a powerful interview where we talked about living out your Christian faith through your finances. And if you missed it, I'm going to encourage you to go to It was truly a game changer for how to align your money management with your spiritual value.


[00:00:53] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So I'm going to encourage you to go check it out.


[00:00:59] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, let's get to today's topic. I received a heartfelt message from Jason. And this is what Jason wrote.


[00:01:06] Ralph Estep, Jr.: "Dear Ralph, I've been feeling stuck lately. At 45, I found myself going through the same routines day in and day out. My job feels monotonous and even my spiritual life seems to have hit a plateau. I feel like I'm simply going through the motions every day. But in a sort of a holding pattern, I'm starting to feel lost in the mundane activities of the day. How do you find joy and purpose? And the everyday task of life. I'm worried. I'm worried. I'm wasting my days and not living up to God's plan for me."


[00:01:45] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, Jason, I'm going to say this. Thank you. You have given us a question that not only. It opens up vulnerability. It's honest. And I know this. Many listeners can relate with you. I can relate with you. So today we're going to explore this together. We're going to talk about some practical ways of how we can all rediscover joy and those mundane tasks of life.


[00:02:17] Well, welcome to the show. I am here to help you gain financial freedom while I hope you grow in your faith. So, thank you for joining me today on our journey together as we talk about how to find that joy in the mundane. And before we dive in, I want to remind you to visit our website.


[00:02:35] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You do that at I encourage you to join our community and share this show with others who might benefit from this information. And when you join our community, you're going to get a free copy of my book. Mastering your finances. This book is $10 on Amazon, but it's yours absolutely free when you join our email list. And remember this, don't forget about this.


[00:02:58] Ralph Estep, Jr.: This show is all about answering your questions. That's why I call it Ask Ralph. So I'm going to encourage you right at this moment. Send me your questions. Send me the things you want us to talk about on this show. You can email me at Or go to our website again, that's You'll see a little microphone icon at the bottom. Just click on it and tell me what's on your mind, and I will talk about it on the show.


[00:03:27] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Now, before we get started, let's ground ourselves in scripture.


[00:03:30] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I always like to start the episodes with a good Bible verse, some good scripture. And today, I picked out Colossians 3:23-24. And this is what it says. "Whatever you do, work at it with all of your heart as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward." It is the Lord Christ. You are serving. That is truly a powerful way to get started.


[00:04:05] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, let's start by addressing Jason's question. And that's how do I find joy in the mundane? Well, let me start by sharing a personal story that I believe will resonate with many of you. About a year ago, a year and a half ago, I was in a similar situation to Jason. I was approaching my 50th birthday, and I felt stuck.


[00:04:24] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I mean, truly stuck. My accounting practice was successful, but the day-to-day tasks had become routine. I felt like I was sort of on this treadmill. I was moving, but I wasn't getting anywhere. Sure. I'd prepare tax returns. I'd meet with clients who crunched their numbers, but it felt like a rinse-and-repeat cycle. And even my spiritual life felt stagnant. I was going to church.


[00:04:48] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I was reading my Bible. But it all felt like I was just going through the motions. And I remember to this day, one particularly frustrating damn member sitting at my desk. I was staring at a pile of taxes from that thinking. Is this it? Is this all there is to my life's work? And I've felt this deep longing for something more, something that would reignite my passion. It helped me find a sense of purpose, and I can still remember that evening.


[00:05:17] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I took this long walk around the farm. And I just looked up at the sky and poured my heart out to God. I asked him to show me. I said, God, show me how I can use my skills and experience. To make a real difference in people's lives. I wanted to feel that spark again, like when I just started my practice. I needed to know that my work mattered. And beyond is balancing people's books and minimizing their liabilities.


[00:05:42] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I needed to see that it mattered to their, their soul. So I walked, and I prayed. An idea began to form in my mind. What if I could combine my financial expertise with my faith to help others? What if I could find a platform where people could ask questions about money management? And receive guidance rooted in biblical principles. Well, that's when the concept for this podcast was born. I finally realized that Sharon, my knowledge and experience. It would allow me to potentially impact thousands of lives. And truthfully, that idea filled me with excitement for the first time. In a long time, I felt this renewed sense of purpose. But here's the thing. Starting or, in my case, restarting the podcast.


[00:06:30] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I'd done it years ago. Restarting it, though. It wasn't that glamorous and exciting. The truth is, I do plenty of mundane tasks every day. Look, I had to learn. All about audio equipment. I had to figure out how to edit, how to record, and how to navigate this world on these podcasts. There were days when I felt overwhelmed to enter it, some days, look. I feel overwhelmed today. And I've questioned myself.


[00:07:00] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Ralph, is this the right path? But the thing I learned is that I pushed through those challenges. The thing that changed it for me. I'll never forget it. I restarted receiving these messages from listeners. Fed listener. Say to me, Ralph, you're impacting me. You're helping me. You're changing my life.


[00:07:19] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You know, I am affecting the lives of listeners who are being changed by the show. That was something I didn't understand. It’s something I discovered that was profound. And this is what I finally figured out. I finally realized. The joy wasn't just in the big moments of impact; it was in those everyday tasks that made those moments possible. It really was; it was those two.


[00:07:48] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Suddenly, I realized that researching topics or episodes became an opportunity to deepen my own understanding. The editing process, which was mundane and difficult, became a chance to refine my message. I also absolutely ensured that I was communicating clearly, and I hope I'm doing that. You know, give me your feedback. Even the routine of recording became this sacred time.


[00:08:11] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Like right now, this is a sacred time for me. And I really do fulfill that. I feel like I'm fulfilling God's calling in my life. I realized that finding joy in the mundane isn't about changing what we do. It's about changing how we see what we do. It's about recognizing that every task, no matter how small. It can be an act of worship.


[00:08:37] Ralph Estep, Jr.: It can be an act of service. When it's done right with the right heart.


[00:08:42] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So Jason and everyone else listening, who might be feeling stuck. I get it. I've been there. Here are some practical steps. You can take the rediscover joy in everyday life. The first thing. This is the thing I had to do. Reframe your perspective instead of seeing tasks as burdens. I try to view them as opportunities. Maybe it's something as simple as that report you're dreading. That can be a chance to showcase your skills and help your company succeed.


[00:09:14] Ralph Estep, Jr.: How about those dishes in the sink? That's an opportunity to create a peaceful environment for your family. And make your way for a really good one, too. The second thing. Practice gratitude. I talk about this a lot of times on Sundays. Start each day by listing three things. You're thankful for it. It might be difficult at first, but it's not going to take Tom too long until you realize you have a ton of things. But this simple habit of starting each day by listening, three of these things can dramatically shift your outlook. And it can help you find joy in the most unexpected places. The third thing. This one was my central point when I changed the whole dynamic of the show. And that you seek purpose in your work. Reflect on how your job or daily pass contributes to the greater good. You ask yourself a question.


[00:10:11] Ralph Estep, Jr.: How does this work serve? Others are glorified. God. Even if your current job isn't your passion. There are ways to infuse it with meaning. You can find things if you look for that purpose. Another thing. I'm going to tell you to do number four, and that's to inject some creativity into your routine tasks. It is a place where you can challenge yourself to find new ways to approach familiar tests. Let's say you're a teacher. You can make lessons more engaging, or maybe you'll be in sales. You can learn how to connect more authentically with clients. And this is a thing I talked about on this show.


[00:10:47] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Number five. Set micro goals. Break your day into small, achievable goals. If you're thinking about the day and its huge form. Break it down into little pieces. And then you'll devote the satisfaction, a ticket items off your list. That can bring you a sense of accomplishment and, more importantly, a sense of joy. Number six, practice mindfulness. This means you have to be fully present in each moment. I've said this a million times. It’s not about the destination.


[00:11:18] Ralph Estep, Jr.: It's about the journey. So, whether you're eating lunch, maybe you're talking to a coworker, or you're completing a task. Engage all of your senses; live it. And appreciate the experience. Another thing you can do. Number seven. Serve others. Look for those opportunities to help those around you. Sometimes, the quickest way to find joy. It is to bring joy to someone else.


[00:11:43] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You'll I started getting those messages from listeners. Top row joy to me because I was helping them. I was making an impact. I'm hoping I'm still doing that. Number eight. Adopt a growth mindset. You know, that means you're going to be continually learning. You get to see every day as an opportunity to learn something new, no matter how small that is. Look for those opportunities. Every single day. The ninth thing. Create meaningful rituals. Now, I know we shouldn't live based on rituals, but listen, you can develop small rituals that bring you joy. Maybe that's saving your morning coffee. Take a quick walk around during your lunch break and just, you know, connect with people. Or end your day with a moment of reflection now. What did I accomplish today? Who did I help today?


[00:12:34] Ralph Estep, Jr.: What were the things that I did as an impact today? And number 10. This one is crucial. Connect your daily life to your faith. The best way I've known to do that is to start your day with prayer and ask God to help you see his presence in those everyday tasks. And I do the same thing at the end of the day, like bookends. End your day by reflecting on where you saw God at work if you stop and listen and reflect. You will see the joy that God is really all around you.


[00:13:06] Ralph Estep, Jr.: But you got to remember this joy. It isn't something that just happens to us. It's not going to just be this magical boom, joy. It's something we cultivate. It is a choice we make every day to see the beauty and purpose in our lives, even in the most mundane moments. Look at the book of Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 reminds us of this. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink and find satisfaction in all their toil.


[00:13:41] Ralph Estep, Jr.: This is the gift of God. So, let me close in prayer today. Let's pray together. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of each day. It is truly a gift. Help us see the beauty and the purpose in every moment. Not to be so focused on that destination. But be focused on the journey. Even in those moments, I had seen mundane or routine. Open our eyes to the ways we can serve you in other strew, our daily tasks. Fill us with your joy and your peace, knowing that when we work for You, no matter what it is, no task is insignificant. Each of them has a kingdom purpose. We ask that you guide us to live lives of purpose and live lives of gratitude. We ask this in Jesus' name.


[00:14:31] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Today, we explored how to find joy in the mundane aspects of life. Remember, if you don't hear anything else, it's not about what you do. It's about how you do it. Every task can be an opportunity for growth. Every task can be an opportunity for service, and every task can be worshipped if you approach it with the right mindset. So, thank you for joining me today.


[00:14:59] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Don't forget to tune in tomorrow for an episode on what are ten things to never do with my credit card. I know we're changing topics. They're a little bit, you know, we get a little bit spiritual on this Sunday, but tomorrow we're going to get some practical advice on what are those ten things to never do with your credit card? It's going to be packed with some practical advice to help you use credit wisely; we all need to do that. And I'm going to help you avoid those common pitfalls. Now, maybe you're feeling a little overwhelmed by all this information. Maybe, you know, this is a tough thing to work through. That is mundane and changes the dynamics, but don't worry.


[00:15:33] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Listen, I'm here to help you. I can encourage you and help you along this journey. I want to encourage you to schedule an appointment with me, and I will help you create a personalized plan. Now, we're not; we didn't talk a lot about money today. That's what I do, but I can help you develop that personalized plan for your finances. You can do that right at I charge a $150 consultation fee. But you're going to get more than what you pay for it in value.


[00:16:00] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I can assure you of that. I can work with you to improve your personal finances. Maybe it's your business you need help with. Maybe you're looking for ways to clean up those business finances or grow your business. I am very confident that I will help you achieve all your financial goals. We'll work together. We're not going to do it overnight.


[00:16:18] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So I'm going to encourage you. If you've got those situations in your life, schedule today. Go right now and do that. Let me help you create a plan that ensures that you get to those financial goals you're looking for. Remember this. My passion is to help you achieve financial success. That's what I finally figured out when I was on that prayerful walk.


[00:16:40] Ralph Estep, Jr.: My passion is to help you live out your dreams. I want you to grow in your faith. And I know that working together, we can master your finances from a Christian perspective. So on this Sunday, I want to remind you. Stay financially savvy. Be wise in what you're doing, and God bless you abundantly.