A Special Mothers Day Message
Looking for meaningful ways to show love and appreciation to the mothers in your life? Join Ralph Estep, Jr., as he shares heartfelt suggestions in a Special Mothers Day Message. From creating lasting memories to expressing gratitude, these ideas will touch your heart. Take a moment to celebrate the amazing women who make a difference.
Looking for meaningful ways to show love and appreciation to the mothers in your life? Join Ralph Estep, Jr., as he shares heartfelt suggestions in a Special Mothers Day Message. From creating lasting memories to expressing gratitude, these ideas will touch your heart. Take a moment to celebrate the amazing women who make a difference.
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EP 133 - A Special Mother's Day Message
Celebrating Mother's Day: A Tribute
Welcome friends to this special mother's day episode. Today. I want to take some time to honor our mothers. Considering what the Bible says about their vital role. And the immense impact they have on all of our families and all of our lives.
Welcome to Ask Ralph Podcast
Welcome to the Ask Ralph Podcast, where listening to an experienced financial professional with over 30 years of experience can help you make sense of confusing questions, current headlines, and industry trends about taxes, small business, financial decision making, investment strategies, and even the art of proper budgeting.
Ask Ralph makes the complex simple by sharing his real world knowledge from a Christian perspective with all things financial. Now here's your host, Ralph Estep, Jr.
The Biblical Perspective on Motherhood
The Bible has a lot to say about the beauty and nobility of motherhood. In Proverbs chapter 31, we're given a picture of an excellent wife. And mother working hard for her family, [00:01:00] extending compassion to the poor. And carrying herself with strength and dignity that points to the Lord. Her children and husband praise her saying many women do noble things. But you surpass them all. What an incredible legacy. In second Timothy chapter one, verse five, Paul highlights, Timothy's sincere faith. That first lived in his grandmother, Lois and mother Eunice. Before spurring Timothy on to noble service. Truly a mother's faith and instruction makes all the difference in our lives. And of course Jesus showed incredible compassion and care for his own mother, Mary. Even ensuring that she was provided for. As he hung dying for our sins on the cross. The special parent child bond meant everything to him.
Personal Reflections on Losing a Mother
As many of, you know, I sadly lost my own mother in March of last year, after a courageous fight with brain cancer. She was an amazing woman of faith who poured so much love and wisdom into me over the years. [00:02:00] I'm still grieving her loss. As I know many of you are for your own mothers. My heart goes out to you. For those happy times we shared I'm overwhelmingly, thankful. Her memory lives on spurring me towards a greater obedience to Christ. So on this mother's day, I want to charge us with showing special honor to the mothers, still with us. And cherishing the memories of those departed.
Honoring Mothers: Practical Ideas
Here are some practical ideas first, and I can't stress this enough. Spend quality time together, making memories. Plan a fun outing. She would enjoy. Ask questions about her life and really listen to what she's saying to you. Dig into that old photo album, reminiscing, treasured moments. Capture some videos, sharing her stories alive. If geographically separated schedule video calls, sharing your hearts. Listen, technology can make us closer than we've ever been.
Secondly, give a meaningful, [00:03:00] personalized gift, expressing your gratitude for her nurture and wisdom over the years. Perhaps a piece of jewelry. Something related to a hobby, she enjoys a book of precious family photos or whatever else would mean the most to her. Write. A heartfelt letter sharing how she's impacted your life.
Thirdly. Serve her in simple, everyday ways help around the house. Run an errand. Cook her favorite meal. Offer respite. If she cares for young kids or aging parents. Show Christ's love in selfless actions.
And most importantly, Simply tell her you love her and are thankful for her. Those words are golden. And there will come a day when you won't be able to speak them to her anymore.
Let these ideas stir your imagination on blessing the mothers in your life. We all fall short. So approach this with grace, not expectation.
Closing Thoughts and Prayer
Before we wrap up, let's [00:04:00] revisit our opening question. What are some ways we can show extra love and appreciation to the mothers in our lives. I hope these practical suggestions give you a launch pad.
Please visit our website at askralphpodcast.com where you can share your own ideas and continue the conversation.
Also feel free to share this episode with friends or on social media. To spread encouragement. Let's make this a special mother's day. We will long remember.
Allow me to ask a prayer father, God, we lift up all mothers to you now in prayer. For those still with us, grant them strength. Grant them wisdom and overflowing love as they nurture their children. May their children in turn honor them. So their day's going to be long and full of joy. For Mother's departed may sweet memories flood our hearts, stirring us to finish well. Calm every grieving soul with assurance of heavenly reunion. Above all shape us into Christ's [00:05:00] image, bearing spiritual fruit. in every season of life. Loving. Peaceful patient kind. May we point little ones to you. In Jesus' name. Amen.
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Now don't forget to subscribe to our show and join our email list. You do that at askralphpodcast.com . So you don't miss tomorrow show tomorrow. We're going to discuss, building effective business relationships.
My friends our time is up for today. Thank you for listening. I know it's a little somber today, but this is a tough day for me. I pray. Each of you discovers fresh joy. in honoring the special woman who shaped your lives. Stay financially savvy this week. And remember to make every moment count. God bless you.
Thank you for joining us on the AskRalph podcast. And with a simple click to subscribe, we'll invite you back to our next episode. And remember, financial issues don't have to be complicated. Just AskRalph. The information [00:06:00] contained in this episode of AskRalph is based on data available as of the date of its release.
Saggio Accounting Plus and AskRalph Media Inc. is under no obligation to update this content if changes occur. Applying this information to your specific situation requires careful consideration of all facts and circumstances, and any information provided is not to be considered as financial, tax, or legal advice.
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