Aug. 18, 2024

How can I see the holy scriptures with fresh eyes?

Do you ever feel like your Bible study has lost its spark? Are you longing to see the Scriptures in a new light and rekindle your love for God's Word? Tune in to this episode of the Ask Ralph Show with Ralph Estep Jr. as he shares ways to view the Scriptures with a fresh perspective. How Can I See The Holy Scriptures With Fresh Eyes? With Ralph Estep, Jr.

In this episode of The Ask Ralph Show, host Ralph addresses a heartfelt question from Betty in Oklahoma about reinvigorating her Bible study. Ralph shares practical advice on how to see the scriptures with fresh eyes, including praying for insight, using different Bible translations, and employing the SOAP method. He also connects these principles to financial habits, offering actionable steps to refresh one's approach to both spiritual and financial life.

00:00 Episode Overview

01:00 Listener’s Concern

02:00 Bible Verse

02:59 Practical Tips to Refresh Your Bible Study

09:17 Applying Biblical Principles to Finances

12:39 Conclusion and Actionable Steps

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[00:00:00] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Have you ever felt like your Bible study has become stale? Are you yearning to see the scriptures with fresh eyes and reignite your passion for God's word? Imagine opening your Bible and suddenly seeing it in a whole new light, as if a veil had been lifted from your eyes. Stay tuned as we explore how to refresh your faith and dive deeper into your daily Bible study. Today, we'll unlock the secrets to making that happen in your spiritual life.


[00:00:33] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Before we dive in, let's take a quick look back at yesterday's show. We tackled the question, should I refinance my auto loan and Ralph, how do I even do it? If you missed that episode or want to revisit any of our previous discussions, remember, you can find all of our episodes at


[00:00:56] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Now let's get to today's topic. I received a heartfelt message from Betty in Oklahoma. She writes this.


[00:01:05] Ralph Estep, Jr.: "Dear Ralph, I've been a Christian for many years, and I love the Lord. But lately, I've been struggling with my Bible study. It feels like I'm just going through the motions, reading the same passages over and over without really connecting. How can I see the holy scripture with fresh eyes? How can I refresh my faith by getting deeper into my daily Bible study and scripture reading? I want to fall in love with God's word all over again."


[00:01:33] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Betty, I feel the same way at times and today I'm going to tell you how I deal with it. And together let's look at things from a fresh perspective. Welcome to The Ask Ralph Show, mastering your finances from a Christian perspective. I'm your host, Ralph, and I want to thank you for tuning in today. Betty, thank you for your honest and important question. I'm sure many of our listeners can relate to what you're experiencing. I know I can certainly relate.


[00:01:59] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Before we dive into answering Betty's question, let's start with a relevant Bible verse. I love this verse and it's given me some comfort when I'm also feeling those doubts in my faith. In the book of Psalms 119:18, David prays this. "Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law." Wow. This verse beautifully captures the desire to see God's word with fresh eyes which is exactly what we'll be discussing today.


[00:02:36] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Betty, your question touches on a common experience for many of us Christians. It's natural to go through seasons where a Bible study feels dry or even routine. I've dealt with this myself. I've had periods of weeks and months when I didn't even go to church. I didn't read my Bible. I didn't read a daily devotional, so I get it Betty. It can be a tough time so let me share some good news.


[00:02:59] Ralph Estep, Jr.: The good news is there are many ways to reinvigorate your time in God's word and see the scriptures through fresh eyes. Betty, consider this: First thing. Pray for fresh insight. Just as David did in Psalm 119:18, start your Bible study time by asking God to open your eyes to see wonderful things in his word. This simple prayer acknowledges your dependence on the holy spirit to illuminate scripture and can set the tone for a more meaningful study. Truth is I've started my day several times with a simple prayer of show me your will for my life today Lord then I just stopped talking.


[00:03:38] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Another practical thing you can try is use a different translation of the Bible. If you're using the same Bible translation for years, consider trying a different one. Sometimes, hearing familiar passages and new words can help you notice details you might've overlooked before. For example, if you usually read the NIV, try the ESV or the NLT, or even a paraphrase, like the message for a fresh perspective. Now, my church uses the King James version and there are times when the old English doesn't really speak to me. So I use the NIV, which to me is really more of a natural language for our times. Now, look, I know this may trigger some debate. But it's an idea.


[00:04:16] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Here's something else you can try. Use the SOAP method. I'm not talking about the soap when you take a shower. This stands for Scripture. Observation. Application and Prayer. You start by choosing a scripture passage. Then write down your observations about what the passage says. Next, consider how you can apply this to your life. And then finally, turn your insights into prayer. This method can help you engage more deeply with the texts and find personal applications. I've used this method myself and it can start to create a little fire in your Bible study and may lead to some refreshment in your overall feelings about it.


[00:04:57] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You can also study the historical and cultural context. Often, understanding the background of a passage can bring it to life in new ways. Here's where you might want to invest in a good Bible commentary, use online resources to learn about the historical, culture and geographical context of what you're reading. I've got a set of what they call Barnes notes, which I use to get a deeper contextual view of the scripture. And it's really opened my eyes to better understand what I'm reading and studying.


[00:05:24] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Another tip is to use your imagination. Try to picture yourself in the story. What would you see? What would you hear? What would you smell or feel if you were there? This can make familiar stories come alive in fresh ways. I've put myself into the story and I thought about how I would feel witnessing these things in the first person. Imagine being there for the sermon on the mount, actually hearing Jesus speak. How amazing would that be. Use your imagination and put yourself right there. I feel like too often, we put the Bible in this some historical mode instead of seeing it as the living word of God. I think your imagination can take you there.


[00:06:04] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You might also want to start journaling your thoughts. Writing down your reflections can help you process what you're reading more deeply. You might be surprised at the insights that come as you put pen to paper. Maybe try writing a recap of the story in your own words and express how it makes you feel. And maybe you can even share your observations with others. I remember when I really got into the whole quote church thing several years ago, I would attend Bible study and I'd be the one asking all the questions that provoking those deep discussions. Later on that day, I'd look over my notes and it really helped me build what I called some Christian momentum.


[00:06:40] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Here's something I really recommend. And that's reading whole books. Instead of just jumping around, try reading entire books of the Bible in one sitting or over a short period of time. This could help you see the big picture and understand the flow of the author's argument. It's so very easy to get lost when you're only grabbing some verses here and there. But when you read the book or at least the chapter, it also adds to that story and allows it to really take shape.


[00:07:07] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You can certainly try to use different study methods. If you always do a topical study, try a character study. If you always read chronologically, try studying by themes. Varying your approach can bring new insights.


[00:07:20] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You might even try different devotionals with different perspectives. Or even getting some podcasts and videos, which explore some biblical topics. There are some great ones out there. It's also critical to share what you're learning. Teaching or discussing what you're reading with others can help you see things from new angles. Consider joining a Bible study group or starting one with friends. I remember when I was back in college, I was a member of a small study group and one of the ways we improved our knowledge was to prepare a presentation of a topic for other members of the group. Now this wasn't a biblical thing, but it just a school thing. But it really made me learn the data and just think about how you could do that same approach with your Bible study.


[00:07:59] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So here's a real game changer. Connect it to your life. Always ask, how does this apply to my life today? Look for ways the passage speaks to your current situations. How it speaks to your current challenges or those decisions you need to make. I truly believe that the Bible is the living word of God, and it speaks to us today right where we are in the midst of our current storms in the midst of our triumphs. It has the meat we need right at the moment.


[00:08:28] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You might also try using audio Bibles. Sometimes, hearing the Word read aload can help you notice things you might miss reading silently. I have to tell you the truth on this one, I've tried this. And while it works for some people, it didn't work for me. I found myself too easily distracted, but I found this, I said before by using podcasts and videos, I can really get engaged.


[00:08:47] Ralph Estep, Jr.: And finally. Practice Lectio Divina. That's L E C T I O D I V I N A. This ancient practice involves reading a passage slowly multiple times, meditating on it, praying through it and contemplating its meaning for your life. Kind of all the things we just talked about. This will also allow you to embrace the scriptures, memorize them and look for real applications in your life. This is a real great way to refresh your biblical enthusiasm.


[00:09:17] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Since this is a financial show, let's consider how these principles might apply to your financial life as well since that's the key focus of our show. Just as we can become routine in our Bible study, we can also fall into financial habits that don't serve us well. So here are a few ways to apply these principles to your finances. Number 1, pray for wisdom. The book of James chapter 1 verse 5 tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you." So this applies to your financial decisions too. I try to make all of my major financial decisions by starting with prayer. Betty, you might try that as well. Number 2. Try different budgeting methods. If your current system feels stale, try a new approach like the envelope method or zero-based budgeting. Look, I was doing an interview the other day and a person I was speaking to actually said she doesn't even use the word budget anymore. She calls it her intentional spending plan. I love it. And I'm going to try it. Maybe you should as well. And I think I'm going to steal that word as well.


[00:10:20] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Number 3. Study the historical context of your finances. Look back at your spending and savings patterns over the past year. You might notice trends you hadn't seen before. This is critical. It will help you make better decisions moving forward. Number 4. Again, use your imagination. Visualize your financial goals. What would it feel like to be debt free or to reach your savings target? Imagine yourself being financially successful and living out your dreams. Number 5. Journal your financial thoughts and decisions. This can help you understand your relationship with money better. It'll also allow you to see how much you've grown and how much you've been able to accomplish your goals. Number 6. Read financial books. Just as reading whole books of the Bible gives you a broader perspective, reading comprehensive financial books can deepen your understanding as well. Number 7. Share what you're learning. Discussing finances with trusted friends or a financial advisor can bring new insights. And number 8. Connect financial principles to your life. Always ask how financial concepts apply to your specific situation.


[00:11:35] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Betty, I encourage you to remember both in your spiritual life and your financial life, the goal is not just knowledge, but is truly transformation. As you apply these methods, pray that God will use his word and sound financial principles to shape your heart and your habits.


[00:11:53] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Betty, I truly hope these suggestions help you see the scriptures with fresh eyes and deepen your faith through Bible study. Remember, it's okay to go through seasons of dryness. The very fact that you're seeking to reignite your passion for God's word is a beautiful thing.


[00:12:08] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Let's pray together about this. Heavenly father, we thank you for your word. It's a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. We ask that you would open our eyes to see wonderful things in your law. Refresh our hearts and minds as we study your word. Help us to approach the scriptures with renewed wonder and excitement. Give us insight and understanding and help us to apply your truth to our lives, both spiritually and financially. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.


[00:12:39] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well today, we explored how to see the holy scriptures with fresh eyes and deepen your daily Bible study. We've discussed various methods, like trying different translations, using that SOAP method, studying contexts and more. We've also seen how these principles can apply to refreshing your approach to finances as well.


[00:12:56] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Remember, tomorrow's show we're going to tackle the question, are you paying too much for rent? That's the one you don't want to miss. If you found today's episode helpful, I'm going to encourage you to visit our website. That's at There I want you to join our community and share this episode with others who might benefit from it. And here's a special offer for our listeners. When you join our email list, you'll get a free copy of my book, Mastering your finances. This book normally sells for $10 on Amazon, but it's yours for absolutely free when you join our community.


[00:13:24] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So Betty, here are three actionable steps you can take based on today's discussion. Number 1. Choose one of the Bible study methods we discussed and commit to trying it for the next week. Just try it for a week. Number 2. Share what you've learned from your Bible study with a friend or family member. And number 3. Apply the principle of seeing with fresh eyes to your finances by reviewing your budget with a new perspective. And don't forget, we love hearing from you. We really appreciate it. Send in your questions for the show. After all, answering your questions is what the Ask Ralph show is all about. And you can send your questions to me at or visit our website. Again, that's And click on the microphone icon at the bottom right corner. And you can record your question right there. Do it now so you don't forget. I will use your question on this show and together, we will work to improve your financial life. As we wrap up, remember what I always say. Stay financially savvy, and God bless you on this Sunday.