How Can I Stay Generous for God Even in Tough Times?
Generosity can feel like a distant dream when your financial situation is tight, right? But hold onto your hats, because we're diving into how to stay generous for God even when the money seems tighter than your favorite pair of jeans after Thanksgiving dinner. We’ll explore real stories, like Trisha's heartfelt struggle as a single mom, and how even a small act of giving can spark big changes in your life. So, grab your favorite snack, kick back, and let’s unravel how generosity isn’t about the size of your wallet, but about the size of your heart—because no matter your circumstances, you can always find a way to Stay Generous for God.
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Podcast Timestamps:
00:00 Episode Overview
01:40 Listener Question: Trisha's Struggle
03:43 Biblical Assurance: Trusting God's Provision
05:51 Lisa's Story: A Path to Transformation
10:19 Action Plan: Steps to Generosity
12:13 Non-Financial Generosity: Time, Talents, and Kindness
20:38 Practical Next Steps for Non-Financial Generosity
22:15 Reflection and Prayer
23:46 Gratitude Statement
24:52 Call to Action: You Can Support the Show by Visiting
27:19 Recap and Closing
- Generosity isn't about how much you have; it's about trusting God with what you have.
- Even in tough financial situations, small acts of kindness can make a huge difference.
- You can take a small step of faith by giving just a little, like $5, to start.
- Prayer is a powerful way to help others, and it doesn't cost a dime.
- Non-financial generosity, like volunteering or simply being present, can be incredibly impactful.
- God measures our faith, not the size of our gifts; that's the key takeaway here.
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00:00 - None
00:05 - The Weight of Financial Stress
03:57 - Trusting God in Financial Hardship
10:00 - The Power of Trusting God
14:50 - Acts of Kindness and Generosity
20:26 - Living Generously: Practical Steps to Reflect God's Love
27:30 - Transitioning to New Topics
Have you ever looked at your bank account, you felt that crushing weight of financial stress? Maybe you've sat at the kitchen table late at night, staring at a stack of bills, wondering how you're going to make it all work. In those moments, generosity feels impossible, like a dream for someone else, but not for you.
But what if I told you that generosity isn't about how much you have, it's about trusting the One who has everything? So today, we're tackling the question, how can I stay generous for God even in tough times?
Podcast Announcer
In a world where crushing debt keeps you trapped, where living paycheck to paycheck has become your new normal, and where the dream of retirement seems impossibly out of reach, there's hope. Join financial evangelist Ralph Estep Jr. A man who's walked through the fire of financial failure and emerged stronger on the other side.
Welcome to Ask Ralph, the show where real world experience meets biblical truth to break the bondage of financial despair.
Get ready to take control of your money, break free from the financial stress and align your resources with God's purpose for your life. This is Ask Ralph with Ralph Estep Jr.
Welcome to the Ask Ralph show, where we master your finances from a Christian perspective. I am so glad you're here today. I'm glad you took some time to spend it with me. Now, if you missed yesterday's show, we talked about taking 10 smart steps to maximizing your retirement savings in 2025.
It doesn't matter whether you're 20 or older, or 60. There were some great tips there. I packed in some practical advice to help you plan for a secure and God honoring future. So if you missed it, be sure to catch up on all of our prior episodes at
Well, today's listener question comes from Trisha.
She sent me a heartfelt message filled with just raw emotion. So let me share that with you. Now this is what she said. She said,
"Ralph, I'm a single mother of two precious little girls. After my husband left us two years ago, I've been working two jobs just to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table. Every month I feel like I'm barely scraping by, and every day I'm terrified that one unexpected expense will push us over the edge. I hear sermons at church about giving, and I want to be generous, I really do. But how can I give when I feel like I don't even have enough for us? I feel guilty every time the offering basket passes by, but I also feel angry at myself for not trusting God more. I know He promises to provide, but I'm scared. I want to honor Him, but I don't know how. Ralph, how can I stay generous for God when I feel like I have nothing left to give?"
Trisha, I thank you for sharing your heart. And I hear the pain in your words, I hear the fear, and I hear this deep desire to do what's right in God's eyes.
Well, let me start by telling you this, Trisha. You're not alone in this. You're not alone in this struggle. So many people feel this way. And I want you to know that God sees you. God, He sees your faith, He sees your struggles, and more importantly, I truly believe He sees your desire to honor Him. And here's the truth.
You can do this. You must do this. Not because God needs your money, He doesn't need your money, but because He wants your heart. And Trisha, let me tell you this. He will never fail you. That's His promise.
You know Trisha, your question really made me think about Scripture.
What could I say that would give you that assurance? And I found what I think is the perfect verse. So let's take a moment to ground ourselves in God's word, because the Bible is our roadmap and it's full of promises that remind us of God's faithfulness. And Trisha, hear me on this, even in the hardest times.
So let's start with this powerful scripture. Comes to us from Philippians chapter 4, verse 19. And it says this, "And my God will meet all your needs according to His riches of His glory in Christ Jesus." Again, that's from Philippians chapter 4, verse 19. And Trisha, I want you to let that verse sink in for a moment. God is not promising to meet some of your needs.
He's promising to meet all of your needs. And Trisha, I want you to hear me on this. This includes your rent, this includes your groceries, this includes your children's needs, and even peace in your heart. I don't know if you remember about the story of the widow of Zarephath and in 1 Kings chapter 17 verses 7 to 16. She was in a desperate situation, down to her last handful of flour and just a little bit of oil.
And then the prophet Elijah came to her and asked her to bake him a small loaf of bread first, can you just imagine how scared she must've been? She had nothing to spare. I mean, nothing, but she trusted God. And what happened? Her jar of flour and jug of oil didn't run out. God provided for her and her son day after day.
Why? Because of her faith. So listen to me, Trisha. God is asking us to trust Him, even when it feels like we've got nothing left. He's not asking for the size of the gift. He's asking for the size of our faith. This is really a faith question. So Trisha, I've got some great news for you today. I'm going to share with you a path for transformation.
So Trisha, let me tell you a story about a woman named Lisa. Now Lisa was a single mom, much like you, Trisha. She had two boys, ages 5 and 8. And after her husband walked out, she was left to pick up the pieces of a shattered life. She worked two jobs, one as a cashier during the day and another cleaning offices at night.
Her morning started at 5 AM, and her nights didn't end until well past midnight. But every day, Lisa felt like she was running on empty. She'd open her mailbox and see bills she couldn't pay, past due notices, eviction warnings, and medical bills from when her youngest had been sick with pneumonia.
Her car was on its last legs, and she lived in constant fear that it would break down, that car would break down, leaving her unable to get to work. And then one Sunday, Lisa sat in church, she was exhausted, she was defeated. It was an effort just to get the kids dressed and actually make it to church. Now, all of us who have kids can relate to that Sunday morning routine.
She took her seat in the pew and after a few opening hymns, the pastor started his sermon. The pastor was preaching on generosity, using the story of the widow's offering from Mark chapter 12, verses 41 to 44. "Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more in the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything, all she had to live on."
Lisa listened to this and her heart sank. She thought, how can I possibly give? I barely have enough to keep us going. And she thought to herself, God, I want to honor you, but I just can't. And Lisa felt a terrible sense of guilt and confusion. She just stared into space wondering what she should do. But then the pastor said something that changed her life and the Holy Spirit will do this.
He said this, he said, "Generosity isn't about the amount you give, it's about trusting God with what you have, no matter how small that is." He went on to say, "When you give in faith, you open the door for God to work miracles in your life." And Lisa just sat there and those words stuck with her. It was something she needed to hear. That night,
after putting our boys to bed, she sat at the kitchen table, staring at her budget.
Truthfully, there wasn't much to work with, but she pulled out $5, the only money she could spare, and decided to give it to her church the following Sunday. And listen, I can relate to this. I can remember my mom doing the same thing as Lisa.
I remember nights, my mom looking at her checkbook and trying to figure out how to make it through the next week. It's feeling many of us felt from time to time, but Lisa had that $5 and she made a plan to make that her tithe for next Sunday. And at first, it felt insignificant, almost embarrassing, but with Lisa, something remarkable started to happen.
First thing that happened, her perspective shifted. Lisa stopped focusing on what she didn't have and started seeing how God was providing for her in small but powerful ways. That's so powerful. Second thing, she found unexpected blessings. Listen to this one. A neighbor offered to babysit her boys for free so she could take on an extra shift.
Remember that car we talked about, her car, which she was so sure would break down any day, kept running. And then one day, listen to this one, her boss at the cleaning job surprised her with a small bonus, saying she'd noticed Lisa's hard work. And the third thing, her faith grew. See, because Lisa's $5 gift wasn't about money, It just wasn't about that.
It was about surrendering her fear and trusting God to take care of her. And each time after that she gave, she felt her faith deepen and her joy grew. Over time, Lisa's circumstances began to change. She found a better paying job, she moved into a safer neighborhood, and even started a small savings account, which was her emergency fund.
But bigger than that, more than that, Lisa discovered the power of trusting God with everything she had, even when it seemed like she had nothing.
So Trisha, I hope you heard that. Lisa's story is proof that you can do this too. You can do this, Trisha.
And here's my action plan for how to get you started. Number one thing. Take a step of faith. Start small. Maybe it's $5, just like Lisa. Maybe, you know, the amount doesn't matter. What matters is putting that trust in God. I don't care if it's a dollar, if it's $5 or $10. Second thing. Make giving a priority. And you're probably saying to me, Ralph, you've lost your mind.
I can't afford to feed these children, but make it a priority, included in your budget, even if it feels tight, because this is going to show God that you trust Him to provide. And the third thing, Trisha. I encourage you to do this. Pray for provision. Ask God to meet your needs and give you the courage to trust Him.
And then fourth, I'm going to talk a little bit about this more in a minute. You can also look for non financial ways to give. Volunteer your time, lend a listening ear, or offer to help someone in need. Cause a lot of people get hung up on this, but generosity isn't always about money. The true point of generosity is about loving others.
So Trisha and anyone else listening today, I want to remind you of something important. I just said it. Generosity is not just about money. It's about the heart behind what we give, and sometimes, what we have to give doesn't come from our wallets. It comes from our time, it comes from our talents, and it comes from our love for others.
When you're in a tough financial spot, non financial generosity can be just as impactful, and dare I say, sometimes even more so. Here's the deal. God has given each of us unique abilities. He's given each of us opportunities and, He's given us resources to get way beyond money. So let me talk about some beautiful ways you can live generously without even
spending a single dollar.
The first thing you can do. This is a beautiful thing. It's the gift of time. See, because time is one of the most valuable resources we have, and offering your time to someone else can be a profound act of generosity. You know, volunteer. Find a local organization or ministry that needs help. Whether it's a food pantry, a homeless shelter, or even a church outreach program. Because your presence and willingness to serve can make all the difference.
Be a listener. In today's fast paced world, people are desperate to feel heard and valued. Something as simple as offering a listening ear to a friend, or a neighbor, or a coworker can be a powerful gift. Sometimes, just being present for someone in their pain can bring healing and hope. And that doesn't cost you a dime.
You know, maybe you help that neighbor. Do you have an elderly neighbor who struggles with yard work? Or maybe someone like you, a single parent who could use a hand running errands or watching their children, even if it's just for a few hours. These small acts of service like these can lighten someone else's load in incredible ways.
And remember this. Time, when given freely with love can be one of the most generous gifts you can offer. How about sharing your talents? See, God has uniquely gifted each of us with talents and skills that can be used to bless others. Offer your skills. Are you good at fixing things? I'm not, but maybe you are.
Offer to repair a neighbor's broken appliance or help with a home project. Maybe you're skilled in graphic design. Maybe you're skilled in writing or tutoring. Use those gifts to help someone with a resume, maybe it's a school project or maybe it's a creative endeavor.
I'm going to encourage you to teach or mentor.
Sharing your knowledge can make a lasting impact. Whether it's teaching someone how to cook, mentoring a young person in your community, or helping someone learn a new skill. Think about it. You're empowering them with something they can carry for their lifetime. Again, doesn't cost you anything more than your time.
Get creative with your generosity. If you're artistic, make something for someone, maybe do a painting, a homemade card, or even a heartfelt letter. We don't even get those anymore. Everybody sends emails and texts. If you love music, maybe play or sing for someone who's feeling down. Here's the truth, creativity can bring someone's day in ways, you can never even imagine. And think about this for a second, your talents are gifts from God and when you use them to serve others.
You honor Him and bring joy to those around you. Let's talk about acts of kindness. Sometimes, the simplest gestures can have the greatest impact, especially during difficult times. Maybe that means cook a meal. Maybe you've got extra food in your pantry. Maybe you prepare a meal for someone in need. Maybe a neighbor who's recovering from surgery or a single mother or a single parent, just like you juggling too much, or a family struggling financially. Write those notes of encouragement. Maybe a handwritten note or a kind text can uplift someone's spirit and remind them that they are loved because sometimes people need to hear that and they're valued. Never underestimate the power of your words. They're worth more than money. Maybe consider some small gestures of love.
Open a door for someone, smile with someone. Help carry someone's groceries and just simply ask someone how they're doing. See, these small acts may seem insignificant to you, but they can truly make someone's day brighter. And here's the thing I've learned over 52 years. Kindness is contagious. And those small actions can create a ripple effect of generosity all throughout your community.
Another thing you can do is prayer and spiritual support. Trisha, one of the most powerful ways you can be generous is through prayer. Again, doesn't cost you a dime. Intercede for others. Spend time praying for the needs of your family, spend time praying for the needs of your friends, and neighbors and even strangers.
Prayer is a gift that costs nothing but has eternal value. Offer spiritual encouragement. Share a Bible verse, share a devotional or a word of encouragement with someone who's struggling. Could very well be just what they need to get them through that tough time. Remind them of God's promises and His faithfulness.
Another thing you can do is be a spiritual mentor. If you're strong in your faith, consider walking alongside someone who is new to their faith. And we're going through a difficult season. Listen, we've all been through those because your wisdom and support can help them grow closer to God.
It's because when you give spiritually, you're offering something that money can't buy. You can't go buy this. You're offering them hope, you're offering them peace, and you're offering them the reminder that God is with us in every single season of our life. Here's another idea. Work at building community.
Generosity can be about creating connections and building relationships. Maybe host a gathering. If you got a little extra food or a warm space, invite a few people over for fellowship. A shared meal or even a cup of coffee, those things can create meaningful moments of connection. Look at creating opportunities for others.
If you know someone who's looking for work, introduce them to a contact who might be able to help them. If someone is struggling emotionally, connect them with a counselor or support group, or maybe your church small group. Be a peacemaker. See, cause here's the truth. Generosity can also mean offering forgiveness.
It can mean extending grace, or helping to mend broken relationships. See, cause when we build community, we're creating spaces where love, where support and generosity can thrive. And that's what we all want to see. And the Bible is full of examples of people who gave generously, even when they didn't have much to give financially.
As we talked about. The widow of Zarephath. In 1 Kings 17, her generosity wasn't about money but it was about sharing the last of her food with Elijah. And what did God do? God multiplied her resources and provided for her family. Look at Dorcas or they call Tabitha in Acts chapter 9, verses 36 to 42.
She was known for her kindness and generosity, making clothes for the poor and serving her community. Her impact was so great that when she died, the people begged for her to be brought back to life and God answered their prayers. And think about Jesus washing the disciples' feet. In John 13 verses 1 to 17.
Ponder this for a second. Jesus demonstrated the ultimate act of non financial generosity by humbling Himself and serving His disciples. He didn't give them money. He washed their feet. This act showed us that no service is too small when it's done in love. And you think about it, these stories remind us that generosity is about the heart, and it's about the willingness to serve others with what they have. So Trisha and anyone else listening, non financial generosity is a way to live out the Gospel in your everyday life. You may not have much money to give, but you can still reflect God's love and provision throughout your actions. Think about what Jesus said himself in Matthew 25 verse 40.
"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine," What did he say? He said, "you did it for me." I love that verse. When you give your time, when you give your talents, when you give your kindness, think about this for a second, Trisha, let this sink in. You're not just helping others.
You are truly serving Christ.
So I want to give you a few ideas to get started today. Don't wait till tomorrow. Number one thing, make a list. Write down your skills, write down your talents and write down your available time. And ask God to show you how to use these gifts to bless others.
Second thing, pray for opportunities. Ask God to open your eyes to people around you who need help or encouragement. Third thing, be intentional. Set aside a few hours each week to volunteer, help a neighbor or reach out to someone in need. And fourth. And you can do this. Start small. Don't underestimate the power of small actions.
A kind word, a simple prayer, or even an hour of your time can truly change someone's life. Now Trisha, again, you may feel like you don't have much to give, but don't let that stop you from living generously. God has given you so much more than money. He's given you time, He's given you talents and a heart that desires to serve Him.
I hear that in your letter today. Remember, generosity isn't about the size of the gift. I think I've said that three times now. It's just not. It's about reflecting God's love to others, trusting Him to use what you give and finding joy in serving Him with all you have. That's why I do this show, Trisha, because God doesn't just want your finances.
Listen to me. He wants your heart. And when you trust Him, when you truly trust Him, He will be faithful to His promises. I know we got deep today, but I want to leave you with a few questions to reflect on. So the first one's this. What is one small step of faith you can take this week to live generously?
What is that one small step? Number two. I really want you to reflect on this. How can you use your time or talents to bless someone in need? Think on that. How can you bless someone in need? And the third reflection question for today. Ask yourself, where is God asking you to trust Him more with your finances or your heart?
Cause that's the central question here. So I want you to take some time to pray about these questions and ask God to show you how you can honor Him with what you have.
So let me pray.
Heavenly Father, thank you for being our provider. Thank you for being our sustainer and our ever present help in times of need. Lord, I lift up Trisha and everyone listening today who's feeling the weight of financial struggles. Lord, remind them that You are faithful and that You care for their every need. Give them the courage to trust You, even when it feels hard, Lord, and show them the joy and freedom that comes from living generously. And we thank You for Your promises. Lord, we thank You for Your provision, and we thank You for Your unfailing love. Help us to honor You in all that we do. We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.
Trisha and everyone listening, today I'm grateful for the reminder that generosity doesn't have to come from a place of abundance.
It comes from a place of love, it comes from a place of faith. And I'm thankful for the countless ways that God has equipped us to give, even when we feel like we've got nothing to offer. We've got nothing to give because He's shown us whether it's our time, whether it's our talents, or even a simple act of kindness and this is a beautiful thing. He can make it a profound difference, he can make a profound difference in someone's life. And Lord, I am so grateful for the stories in scripture, like the widow of Zarephath, who reminded us that when we trust God even the little we have, he can multiply it beyond what we could ever imagine.
That's so powerful Lord we serve. And generosity isn't just about giving. It's about trusting in the goodness and provision of our heavenly Father. So I'm going to encourage you, let's thank God today for his faithfulness and His ability to use even the smallest acts of love to accomplish his purposes.
Now, before I close today, I just want to take a moment to speak from my heart. If this show has been a blessing to you, if it's encouraged you, if it's strengthened your faith, if it's helped you find hope in your financial journey or reminded you of God's promises, I'd like to humbly ask for your support.
Producing this podcast is more than just sharing financial tips. It's about spreading a message of hope, it's about spreading a message of faith, and it's about spreading a message of trust in God. It's about reaching people like Trisha, like Lisa, like you who might be feeling overwhelmed and need that reminder that God is faithful, even in the hardest times.
This is my mission field and every episode is a labor of love and your support helps me make it possible. So if this show is making an impact in your life, would you consider supporting us? You do that by going to and buying a virtual coffee. Now we're not a charitable organization, but your support does help us reach more people with the show.
Your support, no matter how small, helps us do this. It helps us continue creating meaningful content that inspires and encourages people in their faith and in their finances. It helps us reach more listeners who are struggling and are searching for answers, just like you might've been before you heard this today.
And it helps us share God's message of hope and provision with a world that desperately needs it. And personally, I want you to know how much your support means. It's not just about keeping the lights on or covering production costs. It's about partnering with us in this mission to bring hope and faith to others because every gift, no matter the size,
it's a way of saying, I believe in this message and I want others to hear it too. So if this show has touched your heart, please visit our website at Your generosity helps us continue this work and reach people who may feel lost, who may feel discouraged, or they feel uncertain about their future.
Cause I know this. Together, we can remind them that God's love is constant. His hope is alive, and His provision is endless. So I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for being a part of this journey. You're making a difference and I am so grateful for you. So please consider supporting the show and sharing it with others.
Well today, we explored how to stay generous for God, even in tough times. Trisha and everyone listening, remember this. It's my key takeaway for today. God doesn't measure your gift. It doesn't matter, the size is not the point. He measures your faith. Now tomorrow, we're going to change a topic completely.
We're going to discuss inheritance incoming. Are you ready? You don't want to miss that one. We're talking all about it. What happens if you inherit money. Remember this as I close today. I know you feel it today. My passion is to help you achieve success, financial success. I want to see you live out your dreams.
And today's topic was really about growing in your faith. And I know together, working together, we can master your finances from a Christian perspective. So I encourage you today, stay financially savvy, be generous and may God bless you abundantly.
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The information contained in this episode of Ask Ralph is based on data available as of the date of its release. Saggio Accounting Plus and Ask Ralph Media, Inc. Is under no obligation to update this content if changes occur.
Applying this information to your specific situation requires careful consideration of all facts and circumstances, and any information provided is not to be considered as financial to tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax advisor or attorney before acting on any material covered.