Aug. 13, 2024

Should I take a digital sabbath and how do I do it?

Ever feel like your smartphone is ruling your life? What if there's a biblically-inspired way to break free from the digital chaos? Tune in to this episode of the Ask Ralph Show with Ralph Estep Jr. as he talks about the power of a digital sabbath. Should I Take a Digital Sabbath and How I Do It? With Ralph Estep, Jr.

In this episode of The Ask Ralph Show, host Ralph discusses the concept of a 'Digital Sabbath,' a modern-day interpretation of the biblical day of rest. Ralph explores how intentionally unplugging from digital devices for 24 hours can lead to spiritual renewal, improved mental health, enhanced productivity, stronger relationships, and even financial benefits. Responding to a listener's question from Juliet in Atlanta, Ralph offers practical advice on how to implement a Digital Sabbath, stressing the importance of balance and intentionality. He recounts his personal experience with disconnecting, revealing the positive impact it has had on his faith, business, and personal life.

00:00 Episode Overview

01:01 Listener’s Concern

02:10 Bible Verse

03:12 Understanding the Digital Sabbath

03:53 Benefits of a Digital Sabbath

06:24 Implementing a Digital Sabbath

08:38 Personal Experiences and Gains

10:45 Actionable Steps to Start Your Digital Sabbath

11:54 Conclusion

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[00:00:00] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You ever feel like your smartphone is ruling your life? What if I told you there was a biblically inspired way to break free from that digital chaos? Well, stay tuned to learn about the power of what I'm calling a digital Sabbath. Can you imagine a day, a true rest, no notifications, no endless scrolling. Just you. Your loved ones and God. Sounds impossible. Right? Well, it's not only possible. But it could be the key to revitalizing your faith and your finances. Join me today as I help you take back your life from your devices.


[00:00:38] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Before we dive in. Let's take a quick look back at yesterday's show where we tackled the question. Should I play the bank bonus game? That was a fun episode. And I would encourage you to check it out if you missed it, don't worry. You can find all our episodes at


[00:00:59] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, now let's get to today's burning question. This comes from Juliet in Atlanta. And this is what she tells us.


[00:01:05] Juliet from Atlanta: Hey, Ralph. I listen to your show daily when I'm driving to work, and I was thinking the other day that maybe you could help me. I'm a small business owner and a devoted Christian, but I'm finding it increasingly difficult to disconnect from my devices. It's affecting my relationship with God, my family, and even my business decisions. I've heard about this concept of a digital Sabbath, but I'm not sure what it entails or if it's even practical in today's world. Can you explain what a digital Sabbath is? Why I should consider it and how to implement it effectively. I feel like I've got an addiction and I am really not sure how to cure it.


[00:01:43] Juliet from Atlanta: Please share some wisdom if you have any for me. Thanks.


[00:01:47] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Welcome to The Ask Ralph Show my friends where we're mastering finances from a Christian perspective. I'm your host, Ralph, and I'm thrilled. You've joined us for another technology Tuesday. We're tackling a tough question and that's more relevant than ever in our hyper-connected world. My goal today is to help you disconnect from the digital world and regain control of your life.


[00:02:10] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Before we dive into Juliet's question, let's turn to the word of God for guidance. In the book of Exodus chapter 20 verses eight to 10, we read this. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work. But the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord. Your God on it. You shall not do any work.


[00:02:32] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You might be thinking, Ralph, what does that have to do with my smartphone? Well folks more than you might think. No, I haven't lost my mind. Let me break it down for you today.


[00:02:46] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Juliet. Thank you for your thoughtful question. I'm sure many of our listeners can relate to feeling overwhelmed by the constant ping of notifications. And the pressure to always be on. I know there are some days when it's overwhelming for me and trust me, I love technology. So let's explore the concept of a digital Sabbath and how it can benefit, not just your faith, but also your finances and more importantly, your overall wellbeing.


[00:03:12] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, let's start with a simple question. What in the world is a digital Sabbath. Well, simply put a digital Sabbath is a designated period. Typically 24 hours. Where you intentionally unplug from your digital devices and online activities. It's truly a modern day interpretation of the biblical concept of Sabbath, which was a day of rest and spiritual renewal. Now I can almost hear some of you thinking Ralph, are you saying I should go back to the stone age once a week? No, no, no. That's not what I'm saying at all. The goal isn't to reject technology altogether. But to create a healthy balance and regain control over our digital lives. It's all about balance my friends.


[00:03:50] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So let's answer the next logical question. And that's why should I consider a digital Sabbath? First of all, it can be for spiritual renewal. Just as God rested on the seventh day of creation. We too, need time to rest and reconnect with our creator. Constant digital noise can drown out the still small voice of God. I feel this in my own life with the constant notifications, those constant pings, those alerts and so on. They start to feel like all I do all day long is fight fires. There has to be more to life than this.


[00:04:23] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Another reason to consider a digital Sabbath is your mental health. Studies have shown that excessive screen time can lead to increased stress. It can lead to increased anxiety and even depression. A, digital detox can help reset your mind and reduce those negative effects. I know, personally, there are days that I want to take my phone and throw it through the wall or throw it over here in a pond on the farm. I bet you felt the same way at times.


[00:04:49] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Yet another reason for a digital Sabbath is working on improved relationships. Think about this for a second. How many times have you been physically present, but mentally absent due to your smartphone? I've been there. A digital Sabbath allows you to be fully present with your loved ones. This is one of the things I've battled for years, I found myself out to eat with my wife and looking down at my phone. And honestly, she does the same thing. This is not helping me build effective relationships and it's not helping you either. I feel we're in this digital age where we're so connected electronically, but virtually unconnected personally. And it's a tragedy. It's so sad to see. Look, I'm guilty of it too.


[00:05:27] Ralph Estep, Jr.: A, digital Sabbath could lead to enhance productivity. That's just a fact contrary to what you might think taking regular breaks from technology can actually boost your productivity. It allows your brain to rest and recharge leading to better focus and creativity. When you return to work. I liken it to that short walk. I take away from my desk several times a day, or simply taking a moment to reflect on how much God has blessed me. He's blessed you too.


[00:05:53] Ralph Estep, Jr.: And finally a digital Sabbath may just lead to some financial benefits. Yes. You heard me right. A, digital Sabbath can help impact your finances. So now you're going to ask Ralph, how is that possible? Well, think about it. How many times have you made an impulse purchase because of a targeted ad on social media? Or maybe you subscribed to a service you don't really need because of a well-timed email. Taking a break from these constant marketing and messages can lead to more mindful spending and perhaps less waste. So now let's tackle the hard part.


[00:06:24] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Ralph, how do I implement a digital Sabbath?


[00:06:27] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Now, I know that some of you, small business owners might be thinking Ralph. I can't just disappear for 24 hours. What about my customers? I hear you I've been there, but trust me. With some planning it's not only possible, but it's incredibly rewarding. I remember, not too long after I started my own practice. It was an early Saturday morning and one of my clients actually called me to ask a tax question. I can still remember my wife saying Ralph, there are no accounting emergencies. But let's get back to the plans.


[00:06:54] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So here's some steps you can take to get started. Number one, choose your time. This is the time to select a 24 hour period. that works for you traditionally. This would be from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday, but the specific time is less important. Then making sure you do it consistently. Number two, you got to prepare for this in advance. Inform your clients inform your colleagues and inform your loved ones about your digital Sabbath. Set up those auto responders to your email and voicemail explaining you'll respond within 24 to 48 hours. This is the key you got to prepare.


[00:07:25] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Those people usually are, you know, used to hearing from you right away. So they don't panic and you can rest assured not worrying about missing any alerts. Number three. You got to plan some offline activities. This is a time to fill your Sabbath with meaningful offline activities. This would include family time. Maybe nature walks, reading physical books or engaging in your favorite hobbies. This is a time to be creative and use this time to really recharge. Number four. This one is vitally important. You've got to create some physical boundaries. Put your devices in a drawer, specific room, turn them off, make them out of sight. Get them out of mind. Trust me. If you don't do this, you're going to be tempted when that things starts to go off. Number five. And this is a very important as well. You got to start small. If 24 hours seem daunting, start with just a few hours and gradually increase the duration. Maybe you start with just a few hours and work your way up from there. And number six. Be gracious to yourself. If you slip up, don't beat yourself up. This is a practice and like any new habit, it takes time to develop it. It's not going to happen overnight.


[00:08:35] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So let's talk about where the rubber meets the road. What can you expect to gain from this digital Sabbath? Juliet and all of our listeners out there. Let me tell you from personal experience. Implementing a digital Sabbath has been transformative for my faith. It's transformed my relationships and yes, it's even transformed my finances. When I first started this practice, I was skeptical. I mean, how was I supposed to run my business? If I wasn't available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. But, you know what. The world didn't end. In fact, my business thrived. I quickly discovered that there really are no accounting emergencies. And my wife was absolutely right. And so long as I was available during what I call normal business hours. It wouldn't be letting my clients down.


[00:09:20] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I also found that by taking this intentional break, I returned to work more focused. I returned more creative and more in tune with God's guidance for my life and business. I found myself making better decisions because I wasn't constantly reacting to the latest email or social media post.


[00:09:37] Ralph Estep, Jr.: See folks, the truth is when we live our lives reactionary. It's not very effective. My relationships improved too my wife actually joked that she had gotten her husband back. Now. I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing. We started having real conversations over dinner instead of both of us scrolling through our phones. It's sad when I go out to dinner with somebody or with my wife and I look at table to table, people got their faces down in their smartphones. They're not communicating, they're not talking to each other. They're losing those relationships.


[00:10:07] Ralph Estep, Jr.: And here's something that might surprise you. My impulse spending went down as well. Without the constant bombardment of ads and limited time offers, I found myself making more intentional purchasing decisions. But perhaps the most significant gain was in my spiritual life. That time of quiet and disconnection, allows me to hear God's voice more clearly. I rediscovered the joy of uninterrupted, prayer and Bible study. Now, listen, I'm not saying it was easy at first. Those first few digital Sabbaths were tough. I felt antsy kept reaching for my phone out of habit, but over time, I began to look forward to this day of rest and renewal.


[00:10:45] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So here's some actionable steps you can take right now to practice a digital Sabbath for yourself. First thing is start this week. Choose a day for your digital Sabbath Choose a. Specific time if you don't feel comfortable taking an entire day. The second thing you've got to do is prepare your environment. Remove temptations by putting devices out of sight, turning them off. Making sure they're not accessible. As we talked about before, number three, plan, enjoyable offline activities, maybe dust off that board game or start the book you've been meaning to read. Fourth thing, reflect on the experience. This is a great time to keep a journal. How you feel before, during, and after your digital Sabbath. You'll learn from that. You can go back and read about when you first started it and what you learned from that. And number five. This is a time to gradually increase the duration. Maybe start with just a few hours, but aim to extend that each week, maybe you get to a whole day.


[00:11:37] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Remember this, the goal isn't perfection. You're never going to get perfection. But the goal is progress. Each step you take towards implementing a digital Sabbath is a step towards a more balanced God-centered life. And that is the goal. It's a more balanced God-centered life.


[00:11:54] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, let's take a few minutes to recap what we've covered. Today, we explored the concept of a digital Sabbath. That's that modern interpretation of the biblical day of rest. We discussed why it's beneficial, not just for your faith. But also for your mental health, for your relationships, for your productivity and even your finances. We provided practical steps on how to implement a digital Sabbath and what you can expect to gain from this practice. As we wrap up, I want to remind you that tomorrow's show we'll be tackling another exciting topic. And that's this, what are 10 expenses I can drop immediately. And won't even miss trust me. You don't want to miss that one. I've got some really great ideas about how you can start saving money right away.


[00:12:36] Ralph Estep, Jr.: If today's episode has sparked your interest, I encourage you to visit our website. that's at and I want you to join our community and share this episode with others who might benefit from learning about digital Sabbaths. And here's a special treat. When you join our email list, you'll get a free copy of my book. Mastering your finances. That's right. It sells for $10 on Amazon. You get it absolutely free just by joining our community. And remember this. We love hearing from you send in your questions for the show after all. Answering your questions is what The Ask Ralph Show is all about. Truly friends. My passion is to help you find financial freedom. With a purpose and live out your Christian faith, achieving your goals. So as we close, I want to leave you with this thought. In our digital age, sometimes the most radical act of faith is simply to be still. To disconnect from the noise of the world and reconnect with the source of all wisdom and peace. So until next time stay financially savvy.


[00:13:33] Ralph Estep, Jr.: And may God bless you abundantly. This is Ralph signing off and I'll see you tomorrow.