Aug. 11, 2024

Am I too far gone for forgiveness?

Have you ever felt like your mistakes were too big to be forgiven? Tune in to this episode of the Ask Ralph Show with Ralph Estep Jr. as he explores redemption and forgiveness from a Christian perspective. Am I Too Far Gone For Forgiveness? With Ralph Estep, Jr.

In this episode, Ralph addresses a listener's question about finding spiritual and financial redemption after making severe financial mistakes. He discusses steps like understanding God's infinite love, genuine repentance, making amends, seeking professional help, rebuilding finances, and leaning on your faith community. Drawing from biblical principles, Ralph emphasizes the importance of careful financial and spiritual planning. Discover how to navigate your path to redemption and ensure a secure and faith-filled future.

00:00 Episode Overview

01:12 Listener’s Concern

02:53 God's Forgiveness and Redemption

04:23 Repentance and Change of Heart

05:18 Making Amends

06:05 Seeking Professional Help

06:32 Rebuilding Finances

07:20 Leaning on Faith Community

08:10 Using Your Story to Help Others

09:19 Closing Prayer

09:57 Final Thoughts

11:05 Outro






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[00:00:00] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Have you ever felt like your mistakes were just too big to be forgiven? Like you've strayed so far from God's path that there's no way back? Well today on The Ask Ralph Show, we're diving deep into the heart of redemption and forgiveness from a Christian perspective. I want you to stay tuned to discover how you can find your way back no matter how far you think you've gone. Imagine standing at the edge of a vast canyon, feeling small and insignificant. That's how many of us feel when we're burdened by guilt and shame. But what if I told you that God's love is bigger than any canyon? It's deeper than any ocean and more powerful than any force on earth? Today, we're going to explore how that love can transform your life and your finances.




[00:00:52] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Before we dive in, let's take a quick look back at yesterday's show. We discussed how high income individuals can optimize their taxes, providing some savvy strategies to help you keep more of your hard earned money while staying within the bounds of the law. That's what we all want to do.




[00:01:12] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Now let's hear from one of our listeners. This message comes from Dave in Townsend, Delaware.




[00:01:18] Ralph Estep, Jr.: "Dear Ralph, I've been a faithful listener of your show for the past year and it's helped me tremendously with my finances. But today I'm writing about something that's been weighing heavily on my heart. I've made some terrible financial decisions in the past. This includes stealing from my company to cover gambling debts. I've since lost my job, I've lost my reputation and worst of all, I feel like I've lost my relationship with God. I'm drowning in shame and guilt. Am I too far gone for forgiveness, Ralph? How can I find redemption both spiritually and financially? I feel lost and I don't know where to start."




[00:01:58] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Welcome everyone to another episode of the Ask Ralph Show, mastering your finances from a Christian perspective. I'm your host, Ralph, and I want to thank each and every one of you for tuning in today. Whether you're a longtime listener or joining us for the first time, I am grateful for your presence.




[00:02:18] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Now before we address Dave's powerful question, and it was powerful, let's start with a verse that I believe speaks directly to his situation and to anyone feeling lost or beyond redemption. In the book of Isaiah chapter 1 verse 18, the Lord says, "come now, let us settle the matter. Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool." Wow. That is truly hopeful.




[00:02:53] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Dave, I want to start by thanking you for your bravery in sharing your story. Your question touches on the struggle that many of us face, whether it's in our spiritual lives, our finances, or maybe in both. The short answer to your question is no, you are never too far gone for forgiveness. But let's dive deeper into this and explore the steps you can take to find redemption and rebuild your life.




[00:03:17] Ralph Estep, Jr.: The first step in your journey back is to truly understand and internalize the depths of God's love for you. Many of us, when we've made mistakes, tend to project our own feelings of disappointment and shame onto God. We think, how could God possibly forgive me when I can't even forgive myself? But here's the beautiful truth. God's capacity for forgiveness is infinitely greater than our capacity for sin. Think about that for a second.




[00:03:41] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Let me say that again.




[00:03:44] Ralph Estep, Jr.: God's capacity for forgiveness is infinitely greater than our capacity for sin. Remember the parable of the prodigal son in Luke chapter 15? The son who squandered his inheritance on wild living thought he was unworthy to be called his father's son anymore. But when he returned home, his father ran to him. He embraced him and he celebrated his return. That's how God feels about you, Dave. No matter what you've done, He's waiting with open arms, ready to welcome you back.




[00:04:17] Ralph Estep, Jr.: The second step is repentance. It's the first step towards redemption. Now, recognizing God's love doesn't mean we can simply continue on our old ways. True redemption requires repentance. Repentance isn't just about feeling sorry. It's a complete change of heart and a complete change of direction. In your case, Dave, this means not only feeling remorse for the theft and gambling, but making a firm decision to turn away from these behaviors. It means committing to honesty and responsible financial management going forward.




[00:04:51] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So Dave, here's a practical step. it may sound silly, but write a letter to God pouring out your heart. Confess your sins, express your remorse and ask for his forgiveness and guidance to change your ways.




[00:05:05] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Let's look at step three and that's make amends. Part of the repentance process is making amends where possible. This can be a difficult step, but it's crucial for both spiritual and practical reasons. Now, Dave, this might mean approaching your former employer to confess an offer to repay what you've stolen. I know this is a scary prospect.




[00:05:24] Ralph Estep, Jr.: I know it can have legal consequences. But it's also an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to change and to begin rebuilding your reputation. So Dave, here's another practical step. Consult with a lawyer to understand your rights and the potential consequences, then draft a letter to your former employer explaining your situation and your desire to make things right.




[00:05:46] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Step four. And this one is important. Sometimes you need to seek professional help. Gambling addiction is a serious issue that often requires professional intervention. It's just true. It's not a sign of weakness to seek help. It's a sign of strength and a sign of your commitment to making change. So Dave, here's another practical step. Look for gamblers anonymous meetings in your area. Also consider seeking counseling from a therapist who specialized in addiction and can provide a Christian perspective.




[00:06:17] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Let's look at step five. And that's rebuild your finances. Let's talk about the financial aspect of your situation, Dave. Rebuilding your finances after a setback like this won't be easy. It's going to be hard but it is possible. The first thing you need to do is get a clear picture of where you stand. That might mean making a list of all your debts, including any gambling debts or money owed to your former employer. The next thing you're going to do is create a bare bones budget. Focus on the essentials: food, clothing, shelter, utilities, and cut out all unnecessary expenses. If you're currently unemployed, finding a new job needs to be your top priority. It might not be your dream job right away but an honest work is a step in the right direction.




[00:07:03] Ralph Estep, Jr.: So Dave, here's another practical step. Reach out to local churches or Christian organizations. Many offer job training programs or can connect you with potential employers who believe in second chances.




[00:07:16] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Step number six. Lean on your faith community. Remember, you don't have to go through this alone. In fact, trying to handle it all by yourself might be setting yourself up for failure. Find a church if you don't have one already. Be honest about your struggles. You might just be surprised at how many people have gone through similar challenges and can offer support and guidance. So Dave, here's another practical step. Join a small group or Bible study at your church. Having regular accountability and support can make a huge difference in your journey.




[00:07:48] Ralph Estep, Jr.: And finally step number seven. And this is going to be a tough one. But use your story to help others. As you progress in your journey of redemption, consider how your story might help others who are struggling. Your experience, as painful as it has been equips you with unique insights to help those facing similar challenges.


[00:08:10] Ralph Estep, Jr.: In 2 Corinthians chapter 1, verse 3 and 4, Paul writes this, "Praise be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all of our troubles, so that we may comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." So Dave, here's my final practical step. Once you feel ready, consider sharing your testimony at your church or in a support group. Your story of God's forgiveness and restoration could be exactly what someone else needs to hear.




[00:08:43] Ralph Estep, Jr.: You might just save them. Dave, and to all our listeners who might be feeling lost or beyond redemption, remember these key points. You are never too far gone for God's forgiveness. True redemption starts with genuine repentance. Making amends is a crucial part of the restoration process. Sometimes you got to seek professional help for addictions and financial guidance. And rebuild your finances. Step-by-step starting with the basics. This is a time to lean on your faith community for support. And use your story to help others once you're ready.




[00:09:19] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, let's close with a prayer.




[00:09:21] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Heavenly Father, we come before you with humble hearts. We thank you for your infinite love and forgiveness. Lord, for Dave and for all of us who have strayed from your path, we ask for your guidance and strength. Help us to truly repent, to turn away from our old ways and embrace a new life you offer us. Give us the courage to make amends where we've caused harm. Surround us with supportive communities that will encourage us in our walk with you and Lord, as we experience your forgiveness and restoration, help us to extend that same grace to others. We ask this in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen.




[00:09:57] Ralph Estep, Jr.: Well, thank you for joining us on this powerful episode of the Ask Ralph Show. It was a tough one today. Remember, no matter where you are in your financial or spiritual journey, there is always hope. God's grace is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness. And don't forget to tune into tomorrow's show. We'll be discussing an interesting financial strategy. And that's should I play the bank bonus game?




[00:10:23] Ralph Estep, Jr.: It's a topic that might add a little extra cash to your pockets. You don't want to miss it. This came to us from a good friend of mine, Craig. And if you found value in today's episode, I want to encourage you to visit our website. That's at Join our community and share this episode with someone who might need to hear this message of hope and redemption. And here's a special offer for you. When you join our email list, you'll get a free copy of my book. Mastering your finances.




[00:10:46] Ralph Estep, Jr.: This book normally sells for $10 on Amazon, but it's yours absolutely free when you join our community. And remember this, the whole point of Ask Ralph is to answer your questions. So keep sending them in. Your question could be featured on a future episode. Helping, not just you, but countless others who might be facing similar challenges. So until next time. Stay financially savvy, and God bless you on this Sunday.