Ask Ralph: Christian Finance

VIDEO VERSION - Intentionally Choosing Christ

Rekindling Your Spiritual Connection: Practical Tips for Intentionally Choosing Christ

This video episode focuses on nurturing and revitalizing one's relationship with God amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life. Released on Easter Sunday, it emphasizes the significance of Christ's resurrection and victory over death as a cornerstone of Christian faith. The episode offers practical advice on how to prioritize and deepen one’s spiritual connection with Christ daily. Key suggestions include beginning the day with prayer and scripture, incorporating God into all aspects of daily life, being mindful of the content one consumes, evaluating relationships based on their spiritual impact, and actively serving in the local church community. The episode encourages listeners to intentionally seek God first, promising that such efforts will fill their lives with meaning, peace, and purpose. Viewers are also invited to subscribe to the show, join an email list for resources and a chance to win a gift card, and share the episode with others who may benefit from its message.

00:00 Rekindling Your Spiritual Fire: A Journey to Closer Connection with God
00:21 Celebrating Easter: The Victory of Resurrection
00:59 The Challenge of Choosing Christ Amidst Life's Busyness
02:43 Practical Steps to Deepen Your Relationship with God
04:48 The Power of Intentional Living: Guarding Your Heart and Mind
05:41 Building Godly Relationships and Serving the Community
07:49 Closing Prayer and Reflections: Keeping Christ at the Center