Ask Ralph: Christian Finance

Spiritual Posts

Aug. 4, 2024

How Can You Overcome Financial Trials with a Biblical Perspective?

How Do I Respond To Financial Trials and Uncertainty by Using My Faith? Using faith to navigate financial hardship and uncertainty can provide comfort and guidance. Faith can be a powerful tool in both challenging and prosperous times, fostering re…

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Aug. 3, 2024

How Much Will Your Social Security Pay in Retirement?

Is It Possible to Estimate My Future Social Security Benefits? Estimating your future Social Security benefits can feel like peering into your financial future with a mix of hope and uncertainty. The need to understand how much you’ll receive …

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July 28, 2024

Balancing Wealth and Spiritual Growth: Can It Be Done?

How do I manage poverty, wealth, and material needs with a heavenly mindset? Are you struggling to balance your financial needs with your spiritual life? Are you wondering how to manage wealth or poverty while keeping your eyes on heaven? You're no…

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July 21, 2024

Is Biblical Tithing Still Relevant Today?

What Does Biblical Tithing Actually Mean and How Do I Develop a Giving Plan Based on Biblical Principles? Have you ever wondered if you're giving enough to your church? Or maybe you're struggling to balance your finances while still honoring God wi…

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July 20, 2024

What Are the 8 Types of Homeowners Insurance You Need to Know?

Is Your Home Properly Insured? Understanding the 8 Types of Homeowners Insurance Are you confident that your home is fully protected? Navigating the world of homeowners insurance can be overwhelming, especially with so many types to consider. Wheth…

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July 14, 2024

How to Stop Comparing Yourself to Others and Find Peace in Christ?

How Do I Stop Comparing Myself to Others and Find Contentment in Christ? Do you ever feel like you need to catch up when you scroll through social media? Ralph Estep Jr. tackles this common struggle in this blog post. With practical tips and biblic…

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July 7, 2024

How Can You Make Career Decisions According to God's Will?

How Can I Make Work and Career Decisions According to God's Will? Struggling to choose a career path or job opportunity is a common and often daunting experience. Balancing the desire to excel in your career while staying true to your faith can add…

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July 6, 2024

Debt Collections: What’s the Best Way to Pay Off Your Debt?

How Do I Pay Off a Debt in Collections? Dealing with constant calls from debt collectors can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. The anxiety of answering the phone, fearing it might be another debt collector, can significantly affect your dai…

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June 23, 2024

Is It Possible to Be Financially Successful and Generous?

How Can I Pursue Prosperity Without Losing My Priorities? Balancing financial success with devotion to faith and living generously is often seen as a challenging endeavor. Many believe that these goals can coexist, but it requires a conscious effor…

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June 16, 2024

Conquering Retirement Fears with Faith and Financial Planning

Overcoming the Fear of Retirement: Faith, Planning, and Practical Steps Are you feeling excited or anxious about retirement? Do you imagine peaceful days and financial security, or are you worried about running out of money? If you're more worried,…

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