How Do I Select the Credit Card Which is Best for Me? Feeling overwhelmed by all the credit card offers you get is common. They can seem tempting, but credit cards often come with worries about debt and overspending. The perks can be attractive, bu…
How Do I Stop Comparing Myself to Others and Find Contentment in Christ? Do you ever feel like you need to catch up when you scroll through social media? Ralph Estep Jr. tackles this common struggle in this blog post. With practical tips and biblic…
Why Is Life Insurance So Important? Do you feel like you're swimming in a sea of confusion regarding life insurance? How much do you need? What's the difference between term and whole life? Which type is better for you? In this blog post, we will d…
Is Your Mortgage Payment Too High? Do you ever feel like your mortgage payment stops you from enjoying life? Maybe you wish that money could go toward something else. High interest rates can make this even worse, draining your hard-earned cash. Ref…
Do You Ever Wonder Where a Chunk of Your Paycheck Goes? Do you ever look at your paycheck and wonder where a chunk of your hard-earned money is going? Those mysterious FICA taxes can be confusing. Today, we will dive into FICA taxes, where the mone…
Financial Saving: What 10 Secret Tips School Didn’t Teach You? Do you ever feel like you missed some crucial money management lessons in school? You’re not alone. Many of us were never taught the practical skills of personal finance and…
What Are Some Apps I Can Use to Rebuild My Credit? Seeing your credit score can feel overwhelming, as those three numbers seem to control your financial destiny. It's a source of anxiety, knowing that this score influences your ability to get loans…
What Are the Ten Money Habits Which Are Hurting My Relationships? Feeling a strain in your closest relationships because of money is a common and painful experience. Arguments with a spouse about spending habits or tension with a friend over unpaid…
How Can I Make Work and Career Decisions According to God's Will? Struggling to choose a career path or job opportunity is a common and often daunting experience. Balancing the desire to excel in your career while staying true to your faith can add…
How Do I Pay Off a Debt in Collections? Dealing with constant calls from debt collectors can be incredibly stressful and overwhelming. The anxiety of answering the phone, fearing it might be another debt collector, can significantly affect your dai…