Excellence as Worship: Aligning Life with God's Standards
Nowadays, excellence is often associated with personal achievement and success. But can we say that excellence can only be measured through your life's success? In this blog post, we will explore how pursuing excellence in various areas of life can be an act of worship that honors God. Join Ralph as he delves into a deeper, more spiritually enriching understanding of excellence.
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Exploring Excellence as Worship
Ralph begins the episode with a thought-provoking question: In our work, relationships, and stewardship, as an offering of worship to God?" This question sets the stage for an insightful discussion on how we can shift our mindsets and habits to intentionally live a lifestyle of excellence that lifts the name of Jesus.
Daily Bible Verse
Before discussing why excellence is worship to our God, Ralph opens the conversation by reading the Bible verse 1 Corinthians 10:31, which says, “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, I do it all for the glory of God.” This verse sets the stage for Ralph to emphasize the intentional living of an excellence lifestyle in work, relationship, and stewardship.
Excellence in Work
Ralph underlines the necessity of striving for excellence in our work. He emphasizes that work is part of God's ideal plan for human development. Our work is more than simply a means to an end; it is an opportunity to co-create with God by utilizing the gifts and talents He has given us. By striving for excellence in our occupations, we are aligning our efforts with God's desire for meaningful work that provides value to society. Ralph points out that "the scriptures talk extensively about working heartily as unto the Lord, not man. We represent Christ in all that we do."
Excellence in Relationship
Another critical area where excellence can be demonstrated is in our relationships. Ralph discusses how how we treat others, including family members, friends, colleagues, and even strangers, reflects the love of Christ. He encourages us to pursue excellence in our words, patience, kindness, compassion, generosity, and care for others. By doing so, we bring glory to God by mirroring His perfect love.
Excellence in Stewardship
The episode also discusses stewardship, highlighting how we handle our time, energy, funds, resources, and abilities, which can demonstrate trust in God's provision or result from a belief in scarcity. Pursuing greatness in stewardship necessitates complete trust in God's riches, knowledge, and blessing. Ralph emphasizes the necessity of graciously giving our gifts, prudently saving and investing excess, effectively managing time demands, and purposefully planning for the future. All of these actions demonstrate God's overflowing grace and sovereign care.
Action Steps For Pursuing Excellence
Ralph suggests taking inventory of areas most needing realignment with standards of excellence, setting specific and measurable goals for improvement, and replacing self-reliance with intentional reliance on the Holy Spirit’s wisdom and empowerment. Ralph shares his personal journey of striving to improve his relationships with his wife and sons by understanding their interests and connecting with them on a deeper level.
Recap and Final Thoughts
Throughout the episode, Ralph consistently reminds us that true excellence is not about perfection but the journey. It requires relying on God's strength and abundance rather than our own efforts. He closes with a heartfelt prayer, asking God to fill us afresh with His Spirit, align our hearts with His, and give us the strength, wisdom, and grace needed to pursue excellence in a way that lifts His name on high.