Ask Ralph: Christian Finance
Feb. 18, 2024

Growing in Wisdom: Applying Biblical Principles

The Ask Ralph Sunday edition features a deep dive into the intersection of faith and finances. Ralph discusses growing in wisdom.

The Ask Ralph Sunday edition features a deep dive into the intersection of faith and finances. Ralph Estep encourages listeners to explore financial and other topics from a biblical perspective and discusses his new book, 'The Gospel of Entrepreneurship: Following Jesus in Your Business Journey'. The primary focus of this show is growing in wisdom from applying biblical principles like patience, humility, discernment and living by the golden rule. The importance of wise decisions, treating others well, good financial stewardship, seeking wise counsel, and aligning thoughts with God's truth are also emphasized.



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EP 49 - Growing in Wisdom: Applying Biblical Principles


Welcome to the Sunday edition of the ask. Ralph show. Where we take a little departure from our normal topics. And really dig deep into the intersection of faith. And finances. My goal here is pretty simple. And that's to explore financial and other topics from a biblical perspective.

So we're going to jump right into it.

Our topic today is about growing in wisdom.

Applying a biblical perspective.

You'll find our show notes at

My overall goal today is to show you how living by [00:01:00] a few biblical principles. will, allow you to grow in wisdom. And directly impact your life.

I guess it is a good a time as any to mention that I just released. My second book. It's called the gospel of entrepreneurship. Following Jesus in your business journey. You can find that on It's really pretty simple folks just search for my name.

That's Ralph Estep that's E S T E P. And you'll find it both in paperback and on Kindle. And if you happen to be a Kindle, unlimited subscriber, you can get it for free. So let's dive right into it today.

Let's start by asking yourselves, what is wisdom?

Wisdom, is a word that carries weight. And significance. We all desire to make wise decisions and the lead fulfilling lives. But where do we find wisdom? And how do we apply it in our daily lives?

I think the best place to start by understanding wisdom is understanding why it's so important.

In the book of [00:02:00] Proverbs, we find a powerful verse that sets the foundation for our discussion.

So let's read Proverbs four, seven. And it says, "the beginning of wisdom is this. Get wisdom. Though it costs all you have, get understanding. This verse reminds us that wisdom is not something to be taken lightly. Hey, this is really important guys. It's worth investing our time and resources into obtaining it.

So, you ask yourself the most logical question. You ask Ralph.

How do we seek wisdom?

I'm going to go right back to the scriptures. The Bible tells us in James one five. "If any of you lacks wisdom? You should ask God. Who gives generously. To all without finding fault. And it will be given to you.

You know, the truth is that's my daily prayer before, I close my eyes at night. A lot of [00:03:00] times, I just ask a simple prayer of God, just give me wisdom. I'm sure you feel the same way. There are days that just shake you to this core. And those are the days that you've got to ask for that biblical wisdom. I've always found it, seeking God's guidance through prayer and studying his word as essential. And obtaining this wisdom. The truth is the Bible is our ultimate source of wisdom. And it provides us the principles. And truths. That we can apply to our lives. All that sounds great.

But Ralph.

What are some practical ways to apply biblical principles in our daily lives?

Well, here are some thoughts. One of the foundational principles we find in the scriptures is the importance of treating others with love and respect.

In Matthew seven verse 12. Jesus says, "so in everything. Due to others, what you would have them do to you? For this sums up the [00:04:00] law and the prophets. That's deep folks.

This versus often referred to as the golden rule. And it reminds us of the significance of treating others the way we want to be treated. By applying this principle. We can build healthy relationships. And create a positive impact on those around us. Just think about how wonderful the world would be if we just simply follow that golden rule. How much strife we could avoid.

Well, another area we can apply. Biblical principles is in our decision-making.

I think that's kind of why. I chose this topic today as part of our discussion. Proverbs three verses five and six provides us with this valuable guidance. "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart. And lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, submit to him. And he will make your paths straight.

This verse encourages us to trust [00:05:00] in God's wisdom. And guidance. Rather than relying solely on our own understanding. By seeking God's direction in our decision-making. We can make decisions in align with his will. And experience his blessings. I look, I'm the first one to admit. This trust is hard work. At least it is for me. As I try to navigate difficult times of my life.

But it's the work we had to do. So along with decision-making, developing discernment is crucial. And applying biblical principles.

Hebrews chapter five verse 14 says. "But solid food is for the mature. Who by constant use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil.

The verse reminds us that discernment is a skill. That can be developed through constant use and practice. There's hope for us here, folks. This is something. If we work at [00:06:00] we can accomplish. By studying God's word and seeking his guidance. We can develop discernment. And make wise choices that align with his principles. But it takes. Work, it takes understanding it takes. Constant use and practice.

Now listen, part of this also. Is the importance of cultivating humility.

Proverbs chapter 11, verse two says. "When pride comes. Then comes disgrace. But with humility comes wisdom.

Boy, I'll tell you what that one just smacks me upside my head sometimes.

It probably does the same for you. Humility allows us to recognize that we don't have all the answers. As much as we all think we do. And we need God's wisdom to guide us. This can truly open our hearts and minds to receive wisdom from others. And help us grow in our understanding of God's [00:07:00] truth.

But you have to have humility to make that happen. You've got to be willing to admit that you don't have all the answers, but he does.

Growing in wisdom also involves

patience. Proverbs chapter 14, verse 29 reminds us. "Whoever is patient has great understanding. But one who is quick tempered displays folly.

Now I'll be the first to admit. This is an area that I need to work on in my life. It's so easy to just snap and it's so easy to just take off with whatever emotional feeling. I'm feeling at the moment. this is hard work. At least it is for me. Patience allows us to take a step back. Evaluate situations, and make thoughtful decisions. You can't make thoughtful decisions.

If you just live on emotions. It helps us avoid impulsive actions that may lead to negative consequences. By practicing patience. [00:08:00] We can gain a deeper understanding of God's wisdom. And make better choices. and isn't that what we all want to do. in the end don't we all just want to make better choices.

Well, I've covered a lot, but let's take a look at what the value of all of this is.

Let's take a moment to reflect on the rewards of growing in wisdom.

Proverbs chapter three, verses 13 and 14 says, "blessed are those who find wisdom. Those who gain, understanding. For she is more profitable than silver. And yields better returns than gold.

This verse reminds us that wisdom is not only valuable. But also brings blessings and benefits.

 The truth is by growing in wisdom. And applying biblical principles, we can experience a life that is guided by God's wisdom. Filled with peace. And aligned with his purposes.

So what are some practical applications?

One area where biblical principles can have a significant impact. Is on our [00:09:00] relationships. I've said this a million times on my podcast. When you narrow it down. Our life is all about relationships.

The Bible provides guidance on how we should treat others. Resolve conflicts. And show love and kindness.

For example. Ephesians chapter four, verse 32 says, be kind and compassionate to one another. Forgiving each other. Just as in Christ, God forgave. You now think about that folks. "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ. God forgave you.

If he was willing to do it for you, how can you not do it for others?

This verse encourages us to extend grace and forgiveness to others. Just as God has shown us his grace and forgiveness. By applying this principle, we can foster healthy and harmonious relationships.

Another aspect of [00:10:00] growing in wisdom as being good stewards of our resources, including our finances. I talk about this in my book. The Bible offers principles and guidance on how we should handle money. Such as avoiding debt and practicing generosity. Listen. This is a real thing, folks.

This is no joke. This is where the rubber meets the road.

You need to be a good steward of your resources. That's part of growing in your wisdom. Proverbs chapter 22 verse seven, reminds us. "The rich rule over the poor. And the borrower is a slave to the lender. Ponder that for a moment, let's read it again. Proverbs 22 7 reminds us the rich rule over the poor. And the borrower is slave to the lender.

Listen, the Bible speaks about this. You will become a slave. To your debt, unless you work on it. This verse highlights the importance of managing our finances wisely. [00:11:00] And avoiding the bondage of debt. and it really is a bondage. by applying biblical principles of financial stewardship. We can experience financial freedom. And use our resources to bless others.

The truth is if you're not. Handling your finances correctly. If you're not being a good steward, you will never be able to bless others.

Additionally, the Bible provides wisdom on the importance of seeking wise counsel.

 the truth is you're listening to this podcast today. I hope this is wise counsel for you. You need to surround yourself with people who will build you up and not tear you down. Proverbs chapter 11 verse 14 says, "for lack of guidance, a nation falls. But victory is won through many advisers.

This verse emphasize the value of seeking advice from wise and godly mentors or counselors. By surrounding ourselves a wise counsel, we can gain different perspectives. [00:12:00] We can make better decisions. And avoid pitfalls. because we'll use those people as mentors and we'll learn from their mistakes. And maybe they'll learn from ours and we'll all be better off in the end. Furthermore. Growing in wisdom involves aligning our thoughts and actions with God's truth.

And this is the absolute truth, and I might sound kind of funny, but we need to align our thoughts and actions with biblical God's truth. Romans chapter 12, verse two, urges us. "Do not conform to the pattern of this world. I love this verse. But be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you'll be able to test and approve what God's will is. His good. Pleasing and perfect. Will. But you can't be conformed to the pattern of this world to do it.

That's [00:13:00] basically the core principle of my book. You know, walking with Jesus in your business. It's not popular folks. Walking with Jesus in your life is not popular. But it's the ultimate answer.

This verse reminds us to renew our minds. And align our thoughts with God's truth. By meditating on scripture. And allowing God's word to shape our thinking. We can make choices that align with his will. Like I said, at the beginning, Sometimes it's as simple as asking a simple prayer of God. Let me live in your will.

So as we wrap up our discussion on growing in wisdom, by applying biblical principles, let's take a moment to reflect on the impact. It can have in our lives. And that's really why we do what we do. That's why I do what I do. I feel like this is my mission field. I feel like if I can reach one person who's listening to this podcast. I will have done my job for [00:14:00] today.

Now I gotta move on to tomorrow and reach another person.

By seeking wisdom from God. Applying biblical principles and decision-making, developing discernment. Cultivating humility. Practicing patience. Nurturing relationships. Managing our finances wisely. Seeking wise counsel, and aligning our thoughts with God's truth. We can experience a life that is guided by his wisdom. And filled with his blessings.

Well, thank you for joining me today on the Ask Ralph podcast. As we explored the topic of growing in wisdom. By applying biblical principles. I hope you found this discussion. Insightful. And mostly practical. Remember.

Wisdom is not something we acquire overnight. It's a lifelong journey. Of seeking God's guidance and applying his principles in our lives. Let me say that again. Wisdom is not [00:15:00] something we acquire overnight. It's a lifelong journey. Of seeking God's guidance. And applying his principles in our lives.

I want to remind you to visit our podcast page.

You can find that at There, you can leave us a review. You can send us a message. You can share this episode with others. Your feedback to us, is extremely value . And we'd love to hear from you.

So let's close in prayer.

Heavenly father, we come before you with grateful hearts. For the wisdom and guidance you provide through your word. We ask for your continued wisdom to navigate the complexities of life. And make decisions that honor you. Help us to apply biblical principles in our daily lives. To treat others with respect, and love. To be good stewards of our resources. And to seek wise counsel. May we grow in wisdom. And be a light [00:16:00] in this dark world. I ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.

Well folks, thank you for listening today. May you continue to grow in wisdom. And find success in applying these biblical principles. we discussed today.

Remember. God bless. And stay financially savvy.


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