Ask Ralph: Christian Finance


April 2, 2019

Business Versus Hobby

You have started a business and you aren't making a profit. You've heard that the IRS won't accept business deductions if it considered your business a "hobby", but what it the truth? On today's show, Ralph discusses how the IRS distinguishes between legitimate business and hobby activities, for the purpose…

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March 28, 2019

Tale of the Ghost Tax Preparer

Ghost preparers, according to the IRS, “look to make a fast buck by promising a big refund or charging fees based on a percentage of the refund. These scammers hurt honest taxpayers who are simply trying to do the right thing and file a legitimate tax return.” So how do…

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March 27, 2019

Respond Don't React

On today's show, Ralph talks about his experience with responding and not reacting during interactions and how we all can benefit from practice in taking a breath, thinking logically and responding appropriately. Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like…

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March 21, 2019

VA Home Loans

The share of service members using VA mortgage loans instead of conventional ones to purchase their first homes more than doubled from before the housing crisis hit to after the dust settled, according to a report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. On today's show, Ralph discusses exactly what a…

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March 19, 2019

Tales of the 1099

With the onset of the tax season comes the annual onslaught of the various types of Form 1099. Among others, you have Form 1099-INT for interest income, 1099-DIV for dividend income, 1099-B for sales of securities and the dreaded 1099-MISC, which reports such income as rents received or nonemployee compensation.…

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March 14, 2019

How Scammers Steal Your Money

Cybercrime has been a lucrative business for swindlers since the early days of the internet. Despite the advancements in security, hackers and criminals will always be one-step ahead of us. That is why it is important for us to become knowledgeable on the common ways that scammers use to steal…

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March 12, 2019

3 Reasons to Hire a Tax Professional this Year

Sleepless nights, panic attacks and pounding headaches are feelings that are far too familiar for taxpayers during the spring. But how do you know if you really need the help of a professional tax preparer? On today's show, Ralph discusses reasons why you may need to recruit a tax preparer…

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March 7, 2019

IRS Audit Red Flags for TY18

While the overall risk of being audited is generally low, new changes resulting from the enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) could impact your susceptibility of being audited this tax season. On today's show, Ralph discusses some of the most impactful red flags to be aware of this tax…

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March 5, 2019

Why File Early?

Whether you do them yourself or pay someone else to do them for you, preparing your income taxes is probably not one of your favorite chores. Knowing you have a refund coming can make the whole process somewhat easier, but gathering your paperwork and ensuring the forms are completed correctly…

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Feb. 28, 2019

Tax Changes for Military Members

Recent changes in tax law mean that many in uniform could see big returns when they file their 2018 taxes. On today's show, Ralph discusses how many services members and their families are likely to see substantial reductions in their overall federal taxes for 2018. Submit your questions or ideas…

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Feb. 27, 2019

Elizabeth Warren's Wealth Tax

Is a tax on the net worth of the ultrarich a good idea? Under Senator Warren’s plan, the tax rate on wealth would be two per cent, but it would only apply to American households worth at least fifty million dollars. On today's show, Ralph discusses his thoughts on this…

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Feb. 21, 2019

Small Business Retirement Plans

What is the best retirement plan for a self-employed person? Which is the best retirement plan for a small business owner? More importantly, which is the right retirement plan for you – as a business owner? On today's show, Ralph discusses how to find the best retirement plan for you…

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Feb. 19, 2019

Tax Tips for Grads

The first few years after college graduation are full of milestones. In addition to getting your degree, starting your career, moving out from your parents home and starting your new life, you will eventually need to file your taxes. On today's show Ralph discusses what graduates should take special note…

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Feb. 16, 2019

Tax Refund Hype

A special bonus for our listeners is a special segment from Ralph discussing all of the hype surrounding tax refunds during this 2018 tax season as aired originally on our radio broadcast from Saturday February 16, 2019at 8:00AM on WILM 1450 ( in Wilmington, WDOV 1410 ( in Dover and…

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Feb. 14, 2019

Paying off Your Mortgage Early

Paying off your mortgage before the loan is up might feel light years away, but it is doable if you plan your finances right. If you pay off your mortgage early, you could save a lot of money on interest. On today's show Ralph discusses how to and why paying…

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Feb. 12, 2019

Improve Your Finances In 2019

Whether you plan to make some New Year’s resolutions or not, there’s no better time than the beginning of the year to review your finances. On today's show, Ralph talks finances and how to get better at them in the new year! Submit your questions or ideas for future shows,…

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Feb. 7, 2019

How to Establish Credit in 5 Easy Steps

Trying to get your first credit card can be as frustrating as trying to land your first job. Employers want experience, but you can’t get experience unless someone hires you. Similarly, a credit card is the quickest way to build a good credit history, but without a good credit history…

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Feb. 5, 2019

2019 Financial Checklist

On today’s show Ralph outlines what you need to do and know to give yourself a financial check up this new year! Submit your questions or ideas for future shows, tweet us at @askralphmedia or email us at Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@askralphmedia) or…

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Jan. 31, 2019

IRS Social Media to Catch Tax Cheats

According to IRS estimates, American business underpay their taxes by $125 billion each year and as a result of this evasion the government can be out for almost $400 billion annually. Tax evaders, as a result, are a hot ticket item for the IRS and the agency is constantly looking…

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Jan. 29, 2019

Simple Strategies to Maxing out your 401K

Millions of Americans contribute to employer-sponsored retirement plan each year without any real strategy and at the end of the day, when retirement rolls around, having a strategy could make a real difference. On today's show, Ralph discusses strategies for maxing out your 401(k) so that when you retire, you…

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Jan. 24, 2019

New Years Resolutions for Business Success

New Year, new you as the saying goes and for many small businesses, the new year means new resolutions. This mean means putting changes into place that continue throughout the next 12 months, not just for a few weeks in January. On today's show Ralph takes a look a some…

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Jan. 22, 2019

Top Overlooked Tax Deductions (Part 3)

Yes, tax reform eliminated or drew back a lot of popular write-offs. It is also true that many more people will now take the standard deduction instead of itemizing. But there are still plenty of hidden tax-saving opportunities to be found. On today's show, Ralph completes his discussion on the…

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Jan. 17, 2019

Top Overlooked Tax Deductions (Part 2)

Yes, tax reform eliminated or drew back a lot of popular write-offs. It is also true that many more people will now take the standard deduction instead of itemizing. But there are still plenty of hidden tax-saving opportunities to be found. On today's show, Ralph continues his discussion on the…

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Jan. 15, 2019

Welcome Message - Saggio Accounting

Welcome message from Ralph V. Estep, Jr., of Saggio Accounting.

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